Worth noting. Any character that can percieve the afteraffects of spells or magical activity, will, in Lost Haven, be able to see a network of magical pathways laid across the city, linking the homes of Will's small group of magically active people. They'll also potentially be able to detect magical activity in various places in the city, such as places where they've mediated interactions between spirits and mortals ('No, you probably shouldn't inhabit this telephone pole, however, can we interest you in a secluded grove? We might be able to add some enchantments to make people steer clear if you're coorperative...') or where they've had to engage in heroics (whether against mortals or spirits). I'll probably make my next post on the weekend if nothing happens involving my character before then (which is fine, I mean more that it takes effort to initiate character interaction, and I won't have that time till then).