[center][h1]Joshua Ray[/h1][/center] [center][b][s]URTU-07 TRAM, SOMEWHERE IN NORTH AMERICA[/s] DEPOT STATION, NEW ANCHORAGE[/b] [/center] [hr] Joshua, seeing they were near or effectively at their destination, retreated from the awkward situation and packed his few things. He didn't even require a duffle bag, grabbing his backpack with a few articles of clothing, a survivalists knife, a book of the same, and some snacks. Mostly gummy bears. Well, he did have a little logbook of his, but he was pretty sure every NC pilot had one of those. He scribbled a few notes about his experiences with an attached pencil while walking towards the exit of the tram, still hating the amount of people there. [color=ff4c4c]Note to self:[/color], he began writing, [color=ff4c4c]Feud with man that looks sort of like me possible now, steer clear cheer him up. Buy a drink? No could be seen as me hitting on him Give him snacks Yes[/color], he put his little log and note-book in his backpack then finished getting off the train, seeing that two other pilots already found the man they were apparently supposed to meet. He walked over there and made himself visible, but only just, behind and beside the two women. He simply waved to make sure he was seen, motioned to his neck to indicate he was an NC pilot, then waited in the 'corner' of the little 'group'... even though there weren't any actual corners. Still, he managed. Whatever response he got, he simply nodded and made sure to be only just visible. He began absentmindedly scanning over and analyzing the two women he was next to. He couldn't think of any names but the older one certainly [i]felt[/i] familiar, in the sense of a somewhat famous person you know you know, but you just can't name right now. Argylle? Anthony? Smitters? No, that one with the scrapyard... He was sure he heard about her one time in his travels, certainly matched the description. Apparently an NC pilot that managed to 'retire'. Did this old lioness want to get back in the game? [color=ff4c4c]'Can't blame her,--'[/color] he thought to himself, [color=ff4c4c]'It's a nice gig, I suppose.'[/color]