[center][color=goldenrod][h3]~* Ari, The Big Bad Wolf *~[/h3][/color][/center] If Ari didn't know any better, he could have sworn that the rabbit was toying with him. Had the stupid little rodent turned this chase into some sort of a game? Surely, the little ball of fluff wasn't brave enough to do so, if anything the dumb animal should have just accepted it's fate and succumbed to gracefully accepting it's role in life as the wolf's breakfast. It was actually quite the honor of one was to think about it, being eaten by the self proclaimed 'big' bad wolf, the owner of everything in the area. "Stupid... Little..." Ari muttered low to himself between his breaths as he weaved his way between the tree's, "stop running!" Though, as the little ball of white fluff made its way to the clearing by the lake, the wolf slowed himself down; this time he was going to catch the stupid thing, this time his meal was not going to slip between his fingers. Lowering himself behind the tall strands of grass, the golden orbs as the rabbit hopped forward, not taking notice of how the lake began to bubble. No, he had something far too important occupying his mind. Then, as the wolf dove himself forward, a frail figure stepped out of the water, and by the looks of it was demanding the rabbit to halt. "That's mine!" The gray haired wolf growled ferociously as the golden eyes showed a dangerous predator shine, as each long stride he took became longer, till the final one got him to pounce. Though, of course, to the canine eared youth's luck, he had miscalculated his jump, just ever so slightly, landing on the ground just inches from the rabbit who had eventually come to a stop. The white little cottontail shivered just ever so slightly, as the head turned to look over it's shoulder, before looking up at the girl, almost thankfully as it dove to the side and into the nearest bush. That was the last straw. Raising himself up, Ari felt himself absolutely fuming with rage. Not only had the rabbit gotten away from him once today, but twice! All thanks to some blue blob girl. The golden orbs glared at the girl, as the fangs caught a ray of the sun. "That was Breakfast!" Ari growled as he took a step forward, dusting off the dirt from his shoulder. "First the cat, and now you? What are you doing here? This is my place. Leave, or I..." The wolf paused, sizing the girl, who seemed to be just a tad shorter then himself. "Or I will eat you instead of the rabbit." The wolf exclaimed, as another step forward was taken.