[@RaeoftheLight] The man recoiled as he let out a deep bellowful chuckle. [b]"Arghhh ha, you puny li'l girl can't get rid of our sea monster!" [/b] He chuckles some more before his face grows red and angry. [b]" AND WE DONT WANT IT GONE ANYWAY!"[/b] He practically spits whiskey on her as he shouts. Calming himself he sways a little as he continues his speech. [b]"Look, I don't know who keeps hiring you wizards but your worst then da monster. Dun worry bout waiting for ya friend, my buddies will look after him good, jus get you pretty little self out of mah town."[/b] He bats the club on his palm as he lets out a deep burp. [b]"well sugar?"[/b]