[@Mr Rage] your character is fin, and if you want play as both the girl and the golem. BTW I actually own the Castlvania game you are referring to and its a great game. [@MonkeyBusiness] go for it. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Sure thing i'll give you guys an overview. Also regarding your character, go either way with him, i personally think a powerful animal/ creature would be an interesting thing to play as but all up to you. [hider=Kingdoms]There are five major kingdoms on the continent of Theros were this takes place, two human ones, a dwarf kingdom, an elf, and the conquers own. The largest human kingdom is actually the oldest kingdom of Theros. It is known as the kingdom of the Sun, and most of it consists of the vast empty Sunswept plains. It is an agrarian society with only a handful of large towns, most of its citizens live in small villages and hamlets. It is one of the poorest nations as most of its most fertile fields have been burned by the conquerors hoards. The second human nation is the smallest yet most diverse nation. It is known as the Coalition of the Shore folk. It lies to the south of Theros and stretches along most of the coast. It is a union of many small nations, who's kingdoms lie on small islands or along the beaches. It is a nation of merchants, thieves, and pirates. Many strange and exotic creatures and people make their home here. They have been affected the least from the conflict as the armies have yet to reach their borders yet. The Dwarf Kingdom of Kral Deresh, is actually a massive city from a much larger kingdom. They live on, under, and within the mountain ranges to the west of Theros. They once were the most friendly and open traders of all the kingdoms, yet when the conflict reached their mountains they fled into their halls and barricaded the massive doors. The Elves of Theros live in the untamed temperate and rain forest to the east. They live in harmony with nature and seek to disturb it the least with the creation of their homes and cities. The conqueror holds a special hate in his heart for their people believing that while they enjoy the the bounties of their land, his people starve in the harsh tundra of his homeland. Khan Scazzven of the tundra is the cause of all the war and strife in Theros. He is human, yet through magic influence he has lived through four centuries. His land is the barren, broken spine tundra, were the outcasts and hated people of Theros find refuge. His hordes consist of northern barbarians, orc and goblin tribes, ogres, and mercenaries of all races. Through his skill with the sword and his mastery of the arcane, he killed all of the khans of broken spine, used their kingdoms and stolen wealth to subjugate the other races of the tundra, and unleashed his armies to conquer Theros.[/hider] Magic works in many different ways. We are using most of the d&d styles. Arcane spells can be used either through careful and methodical study of spell books and scrolls or by the mage exerting his or her free will on the forces of magic or a combination of both. Some use their affinity with nature to bend it to their will, or help intune themselves with its power. Divine spell casters beseech their gods for a sliver of their strength to smite their foes. In the center of the kingdom is a massive swamp know as Krallesh's grave. It was once a fertile beautiful plane until the tyrant dragon Krallesh was slain there spoiling its beauties forever. In its center in the Black heart bog, were our fortune teller lives. Feel free to make up your own kingdoms and species, and if you have any further question feel free to ask.