[hider=Madeline Rose Danvers] [URL=http://s10.photobucket.com/user/andi976/media/images%2046.jpg.html][IMG]http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a110/andi976/images%2046.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Madeline Rose Danvers Gender:female Age: 16 Length of stay:Madeline has been at the group home for 2 weeks. She has at least 5 and a half months left. Illness: Obsessive compulsive disorder Incident: One night her parents were having an argument, as they often did, she ran into their room and attempted to stop them. Her father not realizing she was there, went to hit her mother and when Madeline got in the way, hit her instead. Madeline seemed to snap and started to hit her father until he overpowered her. She spent the rest of that night in the bathroom scrubbing at her hands until they were raw. At school the next day when her best friend asked her about the bruise on her face and her hands, she started to scream at her in the middle of class and then ran out of the room. She went to the bathroom and started to wash and scrub her hands until they started to bleed. A teacher happened to walk in before she did too much damage and called her parents. Her parents told her that they wanted her to see a councilor but she refused. She spent an awkward night with her parents and the next day, her parents told her that she needed to get help for her many issues and decided to send her to a group home to work on these problems as a last resort. Appearance: She is about 5'6 and 135 lbs. She has reddish hair and brown eyes. She has a slight build and looks like a doll. She is not well developed yet and most see her as being younger than her real age. She has more of a swimmers build but without the defined muscle tone although she is strong. Personality: She tends to be withdrawn and quiet and hates to be in the limelight. She is sometimes snarky when she is cornered and tends to anger quickly. She holds a grudge until the end of time. She is often alone but longs to be close to others although fears it at the same time. Likes: Music, Order, Control, Rain, writing in her journal. Dislikes: Chaos, rudeness, lack of control, stupidity. Sexuality: Straight but is bi curious and can appreciate the female form. Has never had a boyfriend. Bio: Madeline was the only child of two workaholics. Her parents had gotten married during college but only because her mom had gotten pregnant. While they did love her, they didn't show her much affection. Her parents were always arguing and what little time they did have for her were spent either in criticism of her behavior or aloof interest. Madeline was always an odd girl and she was nervous about most things. As a young child she had several imaginary friends and would blame them for her obsessive incidents such as rearranging things at peoples houses they visited or throwing away things that did not match out of her parents closet. She was obsessive about things matching, things being turned the proper way and finishing a sentence. These were just a few of her quirks that drove her friends crazy. She tended to not have many friends and with her erratic behavior was slowly alienating the ones she did have. She was slowly becoming more and more antisocial and depressed. Extra: Being at the group home was both a relief and hell or Madeline. She was happy to get away from her parents and their arguing and criticism, but hated not having control over most things. She was not too good at reading others and so far had not allowed herself to get close to anyone at the home. She tried to remain apart from the others whenever she could unless forced to interact. Although she had already been in some of the rooms of the others and made some minor rearrangements until the staff made her stop. [/hider]