[center][color=92A9A7][h3]John Taylor[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]: Kitchen, 28A[/i] [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Mariska [@Fabricant451][/i][/center] John gave a muffled "Hmph" as he placed the sausage links in a hot pan, the sizzle coming not long after. [color=92A9A7]"Yeah, but I've never worried about a metal band killing anybody. Whole worlds gone tits up 'cause some wolf couldn't keep his teeth in his mouth."[/color] John said, an edge to his voice. He never had much sympathy with those who purposefully ate people, three guesses as to why. Adding the water, a dash of cinnamon, and a couple drops of vanilla and viola! The best with what he had to work with, coming right up. A little butter for the pan and they were golden as a bit of batter was poured out. As beauty was being made, John began to work on his second baby and started a pot of coffee. Running a hand up his face to rub his eyes, John just let out along sigh. [color=92A9A7]"Not much we can do about it...how was your show last night?"[/color]