[h1][color=f26522][center]Garrett Fishman[/center][/color][/h1] [b]"I-If it's ok with you. I really need to go."[/b] Garrett moved the new cell phone closer to his face, scrutinizing it carefully. He walked into the small, dimly lit kitchen and put both his old and new phones on the counter. As he moved behind the kitchen bar, his shadow clone skulked over to stand in front of his door, blocking any exit. Producing a tiny flathead screwdriver from a drawer, Garrett began to slowly dismantle the phone. Every now and then, he would grunt in frustration; the process was much more difficult with just one working arm. There was only a battery and a SIM card inside. No bug that he could detect. [color=f26522][i]I’ll need to take a closer look at this later…[/i][/color] Without looking at the girl, Garrett began shuffling through various drawers in the kitchen. [color=f26522]”Before you go…”[/color] Inside one of his drawers, Garrett found what he was looking for, and wrapped his free hand around a wooden handle. [color=f26522]”...tell me.”[/color] In one smooth motion, Garrett brought down a meat tenderizer onto his old phone, smashing it several times. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the girl wincing with every loud [i]bang[/i]. Garrett kept hammering away until nothing but fragments and shards of the phone were left. Still holding the meat tenderizer, Garrett shot his gaze at the girl, flexing his fingers along the mallet’s wooden surface. [color=f26522]”What’s your name, girl?”[/color] [@Leolycan] [color=f6989d][h1][center]Vicki Victory[/center][/h1][/color] "[color=a0410d]Hey, guys! Welcome to Team League! My name's Samantha,[/color]" she paused, looking directly at Vicki, "[color=a0410d]but you can call me Sam.[/color]" A tingling sensation bubbled up in Vicki’s gut. [color=f6989d][i]Hot.[/i][/color] Sam gestured proudly at some scorch marks on the floor and charred furniture. "[color=a0410d]Yeah, that's all from me by the way. As Shyvana, my powers are pretty fucking cool.[/color]" The sensation in Vicki’s stomach subsided temporarily, but swiftly returned as Vicki looked Sam up and down. "[color=a0410d]Anyway, I'm sorry, but I have to go. Hey, can you text me her number when you get it? You know, to stay, like, connected or whatever.[/color]" Sam gave a crooked smile and a wink to her before tromping away. Vicki stepped off to the side to allow her to pass. The scent of burnt firewood and campfire smoke trailed behind the red-headed beauty. Vicki subconsciously licked the corners of her lips. For a moment, Vicki stared at the ground, a faint smile painted on her face. She quickly regained her composure, looking around at everyone else left in the room. A blue-haired maiden sat quietly in the corner, and down a hallway, Vicki could see a tall, black-haired woman with model-good looks rummaging through clothes in a bedroom. The tingling sensation intensified. Sitting at the head of a dining table, a black-haired male called out to Vicki and Alex. "[color=00aeef]You're late. Better then never I suppose.[/color]" He spoke directly to Vicki now, "[color=00aeef]I'm going to assume you've wound up with powers from League. Right?[/color]" With that he rightened himself in his chair, motioning to an empty seat at his side. Vicki scratched the back of her head. [color=f6989d]”Yeah...that’s about right. I’m Vicki, just so you guys know. Vicki Victory.”[/color] Vicki strode over to the table, taking care to avoid stepping on the burnt patches of carpet. Yet again, Vicki was in disbelief at how these people were acting in this situation. The place looked like a warzone, but no one was hurrying to clean up the wreckage. She even spotted a few newly opened beer bottles strewn about. [color=f6989d][i]Right...this is my new normal.[/i][/color] She pulled out the chair that the man offered and sat down. Vicki felt like a sore thumb sticking out with her white hair and bright-yellow boxing clothes, but she took care not to project that to her new acquaintances. [color=f6989d]”So...what’s going?”[/color] [@Leolycan]