[hider=My Hider] [quote=@Kaylan The Lioness] Name: Reva Khattab    Image: [hider=Reva][img]http://www.glammodelmanagement.com/uploads/8/2/4/8/8248325/379600_orig.jpg[/img][/hider] [Hider=Lycan Form][IMG] http://41.media.tumblr.com/7f7dcc473f7ee29650c0db18c56ae77f/tumblr_ni1l51JmOM1qlhe7so1_1280.png[/Img][/hider] Age: 29 Species: Werewolf Goals/Faction: The Brothers and Sisters of Loup Garou, or BSLG. The BSLG is a united series of werewolf tribes, and clans who have banded together to set a governing body over certain aspects of werewolf life. These aspects include a ban on hunting humans, restricting any violence against SOLDIER unless attacked first, nonconsensual turning etc. They operate through a semi annual moot where each of the leaders from different tribes, clans, and packs come together to decide on issues that come up or reform decisions they had made in the past. This is to ensure that nothing ever happens again like it did during the vampire war where Werewolves partook on the side of the vampires to conquer the world. That being said the BSLG is looking to set up a treaty with SOLDIER to ensure that they will not try to force themselves upon werewolves of the BSLG and allow them to govern themselves. Backstory: Reva was born to a rather conservative Pack, that prided themselves on keeping traditional values, and still observed even primitive events including annually hunting a human. Reva hated the entire idea of it and knew that they needed to change with the civilized and advanced worlds the human had made, as the more they continued such traditions. She began to speak out among local Werewolf packs, and tribes at a young age. It wasn’t long before her speaking picked up momentum amongst the younger of the werewolves, and thus influencing the older through them. It wasn’t long before she had the entire region meeting and discussing cultural acts that needed to be reformed and changed. Word spread among werewolves about Reva as she continued to gather more and more packs into the fold, and she was eventually approached by several pack leaders who had been implementing new guidelines among their own already. They asked her to lead a new alliance of Werewolves that was looking to spread across the world and connect Werwolves everywhere, but for now they were only located in Africa as she was. Since then she has worked hard going through Europe with several other of the Pack leaders to spread the word of the BSLG. Much of European Packs have taken to the idea joining the BSLG Council and committing to the ideals of the that it held. Reva turns her sights to the US knowing that having a Packs in a super power such as that would make a major difference in the BSLG. Powers/Skills: Reva is a young werewolf though her strength and speed are magnificent for her age they are far from that elders generations before her. She spends much time in meditation creating an iron will for herself as to not be swayed by mental powers or prowess of those more powerful than she is. She has developed herself into a leader giving a ability that allows her to release a beautiful loud roar capable of triggering a detransformation in weaker werewolves. Being in the position she is in where she has gained many allies but almost as any enemies she has developed a sixth sense for danger and has been known to react even before violence was going to be brought on her. Equipment/Weapons: she carries a small walther ppk pistol for self defense as to keep from having to use any lycan based abilities to hide her true nature. She also carries a ancient warklaive a sword of power capable of great damage against whoever it touches any wounds created by the blade healing very slowly. The klaive is not without its downsides though as it require great energy from the user causing Reva to pass out around six minutes into using it. Other than these items she carries everyday things, phone clothes etc Themesong: [YouTube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8eJDTcDUQxQ[/youtube] [/quote] [/hider] Everything seems fine, nothing too Op here, although the warklaive should be explain a bit more as what "great damage" means.