Character Name: Temperance Vasse Nickname / Alias: Pera/Temper Date of Birth: 18/7/1994 Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan. Residence: Kumo mountains, Japan. General Appearance: [img] [/img] Height: 5'3 Weight: 32kg Clothing Sizes: 8 shoes, 10 other clothing. Clothing Choices: Large woollen sweaters and ripped jeans with combat boots. Hair Colour: White Hair Length: Long, usually in twin braids or a pony. Eye Colour: Light blue, seem to swirl and glow in moonlight. Jewellery: Black lip ring. Tattoos / Marks: Scars on her back and arms. Tattoo of a birdcage on her wrists. Skills: Is a skilled climber, fast runner. Phobias / Fears: Cranes, spiders and Ferris wheels. Bad Habits / Vices: Bites nails when nervous, talks to self sometimes. Quirks: Always seems happy when really she's devastated inside. Best Qualities: Witty, funny, smart, caring, considerate, supportive and kind. Worst Qualities: Cruel, rude, sharp, ignorant and does whatever it take to bring you down. Key Childhood Experiences: Her mother died of a strange illness after giving birth to her sister. Key Teenage Experiences: Her father turned to drugs and alcohol. After a while he began to physically abuse her sister saying it was her fault that her mother died. Pera would step in and take her sisters beating, but sometimes she had to hit him to get his attention. One day, she was holding a knife, she forgot about the knife and pounded on her fathers chest to stop him hurting her sister. The knife went into his heart and he fell to the floor. Sexual Background: Asexual Style of Speech: Casual Words/Slang/Jargon: Idk, wtf, omg.