I'd like to claim the Wandering Knight card if that's okay. Hope you approve. [hider=The Wandering Knight]Tarot Card: The Wandering Knight Name: Zareketh the Wanderer Age: ??? Gender: Male Appearance:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1f/c1/a5/1fc1a585553dedeefd474515c03ed696.jpg[/img] Backstory: A cloaked revenant clad in century-old armor and weilding an enchanted bastard sword, Zareketh travels from town to town, remaining in total obscurity. Only fresh corpses provide any evidence of his travels. Most of the time, cutthroats are found dead, others, the finds are more worrying. A rich mearchant, a poor beggar and even a mayor may suffer his wrath. While each town's officials handle each case in a typical manner, rumors exist, in a few remote areas, of the vengeful Sir Zacharius of Ebonwood who died centuries ago, yet could not rest as long as injustice reigned over the land. Due to the seldom occurrence and vast distance between each unsolved murder, paired with a natural lack of contact between communities and the sheer absurdity of the tale, such a possibility is universally dismissed as superstitious ravings, provided it is mentioned at all. Abilities: Zareketh's most formidable ability is his undead condition. As a member of the restless dead, he cannot tire, hunger or sleep. His strength has grown to the point where he can lift an ordinary man with one hand, and his agility and physical resilience have been massively increased. Pain and fear can no longer be felt. Undeath has brought with it some massive weaknesses, however, and any spells, especially holy, that would normally heal or rejuvenate a living being backfire instead and harm Zareketh greatly. Furthermore, being in close proximity of a blessed artifact or stepping on holy ground gradually sap his strength. He is also able to cast certain non-combat magic that can be used for utility purposes such as limited scrying, detecting and enchanting. These spells require rare materials and memorization rather than an inherent talent. Lastly, Zareketh's original, harrowing training and many decades of combat experience render him a truly frightening opponent. Theme song:[url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JLsmcOmoIXM[/url] Other: Equipment: Spellguard: This bastard sword is Zareketh's only defence against magic users and most prized possession. It can cut through magic as it cuts through flesh, being able to "parry" spells and harm magical creatures. Old armor: A suit of armor clearly not of this age, mixing plate, and chainmail under a leather overshirt to offer adequate protection without limiting mobility. Cloak: A long, tattered cloak used to conceal Zareketh's face and help him remain hidden at night.[/hider] Edit: corrected some typos and added another paragraph in the abilities section.