[b]A SCREAM IN THE WOODS[/b] [u][i]Introduction[/i][/u] "If the world quietly ended just beyond a closed door, would you know anything had changed?" -S.C. Ambassador Buhnd. Ragnarok, a meteor predicted to strike Earth's surface March 27th, 2018 was believed to be humanity's extinction. Remarkably, all of Earth's known powers came to a medium of peace when presented with said crisis. Their combined fortunes created vast networks of deep, self-sustaining subterranean cities. Several blackouts aside, these luxurious habitats have supported man's children for hundreds of years. Recently, multiple habitats have had a complete communications blackout. What started in a small Russian trade-dwelling has spread all the way into Europe's eastern-most locations with frightening speed. Incidents such as these are typically rare, and after several weeks of closed sea-railways and hushed news coverage, people are starting to whisper of their worry. I suppose what's truly frightening is when all of your fantastical assumptions prove to be true. In truth, extinction has only just begun. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [u][i]General Info[/i][/u] Current year: 2328 Location: NY.D.S.H (New York - Deep Subterranean Habitat) Population: 257 Million This RP will be a 1x1 sci-fi/fantasy suspense/horror plot that will start with you encountering what is humanity's potential extinction. I can provide specifics for anything pertaining to these dwellings and their separate functions/passages should you need them in designing your character. If you're interested and can give me a general idea as to where you want your citizen to be in society I can give you a summarization of what they would know and be exposed to on a daily basis. I can supply about one post a day or once every other day. I expect roughly the same. Basic grammar and punctuation are required. Shoot me a PM if you're interested, have any questions, or just wanna say hello :D If you're interested in the RP then I'll need to see some of your previous writing as well.