[hider=My Morrigahn] [h2] The Morrigan [/h2] Full Name: Morrighan Nickname: Phantom Queen, Great Queen, Morrigu, Age: N/A Gender: Woman Race: Goddess Pantheon: Celtic Weapon(s): Spear Powers: Fore Sight, Fate, Strife, Fertility and Battle. Godly Powers. Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/ff/d5/fbffd5d63340f79c1fed7d286032a1c7.jpg[/img] Likes: Crows, ravens, silver, storms, cows, human stupidity. Dislikes: Spoiled brats, human stupidity. The Fates. Strengths: Protecting her pantheon, leading her troops into battle, and using human stupidity. Weaknesses: Doesn't deal well with stupid people, and will not tolerate the faithless Quirks: "As the Crow flies.." Fears: The loss of her pantheon Ambition: To beat those Greek upstarts into some sense. Personality: Morrigahn is a Goddess. She takes a certain outlook on the world, and it is hard to full comprehend one such as she. But she would do anything for her family. Provided it wasn't too sunk in the stench of humanity. Father:N/A Mother:N/A Siblings:Badb (Sister-self), Macha (Sister-self) Pets: Her Crows/ History:N/A [h2] Relationships [/h2] Dagda: She considers him a idiot. A powerful idiot, but a idiot. [/hider] [hider= Daughter of Set] [h2] Bes'eshe Sethokpara [/h2] Full Name: Bes'eshe Sethokpara [hider= Pronunciation/Meaning] (Bess Eh-shey) (Seth-oak-par-ah) (Brings life, Joyous life) [/hider] Nickname: Daughter of Set, Bes Age: Thought to be early 20's Gender: Woman Race: Demi-Goddess Pantheon: Egyptian Weapon(s): Khopesh, Spear, Bow Powers: Controlling storms, sand. She also has battle skills that exceeds a humans. Appearance: With the skin of a Egyptian and the dark curling locks of her mysterious mother. Bes'eshe has a face showing off soft features. Her stubbornness found in the green-grey eyes. Standing at five foot three inches, she's noticeably lean. Sturdy sandals, a shendyt of white and a matching wrapped top. She wears several talismans as necklaces. The talismans are written with runes for protection, safety, and good luck, and bout with black cords. Jewerly bedecks her arms in golden bands and jangles down to her wrists, her nails bitten to the quick. [hider=Apperance] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-P7Hb0QwL928/VgpTaHf8eYI/AAAAAAAAFCQ/iVyLTLn041I/s1600/1v21.jpg[/img] [img]http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Summer-Glau-Serenity-River-Tam-most-badass-women-warriors-in-film.jpg[/img] [/hider] Likes: Learning different languages, listening to music, cats, reading, and dancing. She also likes weaving and pottery. Set. Dislikes: The sea, those who attack the weak and helpless, and traitors. Strengths: She is extremely loyal to Set, and finds justice the best course in life. Weaknesses: She has a soft heart and will not allow women and children to be harmed. Quirks: "A clear consciene is usually the sign of a bad memory." Fears: Losing a loved one Ambition: To best help Set and the Egyptian Pantheon Personality: Bes is a kind and gentle person. But she will leap to battle if she must, and she will win. She loyal to friends and the Egyptian pantheon she considers family, but there is a air of sadness about her. Father: Set Mother: Unknown Siblings: Anubis (Half-brother) Pets: Anem (A cat) History: She is confirmed to be Set's daughter, though her mother is unknown. Many presume, even Set, that her mother was human. All that is known is that when Bes was still a babe, she was found in the sands after a group of nomads left her for the desert God she shared blood with. Though by right she should have died, Bes survived. She was taken into the Pantheon and grew there as a powerful Demi-God. In her youth she left the Pantheon and slaughtered a group of Nubian raiders as they attempted to torch a village. The Gods refused to answer, so she did. Thus the survivors spread word of her and the poor priesthood was confronted with the possibility of another goddess. They're still trying to figure it out, but Bes has found enjoyment in confusing them with omission. [h2] Relationships [/h2] Set: She is loyal to him and has a soft spot for her Father-God. [/hider] [hider= The Fates] [h2] The Fates [/h2] Full Name: Bes'eshe Sethokpara Nickname: Moirai, Moerae (Clotho (spinner), Lachesis (allotter) and Atropos (Unturnable) Age: N/a Gender: Woman Race: Goddesses Pantheon: Greek Weapon(s): They need none Powers: Controlling Mortal lives from birth to death. When they hold hands their word is the law of the universe. Appearance: [hider=Apperance] [img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/abd0/th/pre/i/2013/212/b/b/moirai__the_fates__by_freeda_meteora-d6g3gts.jpg[/img] [/hider] Likes: Weaving, each other. Dislikes: Those who defy Fate, those who mess with the Fates they have decreed. Strengths: Weaving the Fates of mortals to tragedy. Weaknesses: They hold no real emotion other than contempt for God and Mortal alike. Quirks: "If the lips are moving, the teller is lying." Fears: Losing each other, a threat to them. Ambition: They control Fate? What more could they want? Personality: The Fates are cold beings with no mercy for Man or God. They only care for their mother Themis. Father: Zeus Mother: Themis Siblings: Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos Pets: N/A History: N/a [h2] Relationships [/h2] -Please keep updated- [/hider] [hider= Apollo] [h2] Apollo [/h2] Full Name: Apollo Nickname: Age: N/a Gender: Man Race: God Pantheon: Greek Weapon(s): Lyre, Spear Powers: Music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and the classical Godly Powers. Appearance: [hider=Apperance] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5639/3f5982f3642acaaa6414b27b9676f62a8477d25d_hq.jpg[/img] [/hider] Likes: Himself, pleasures, and getting his way. Dislikes: Those who defy Him, and not getting what he wants Strengths: Being charming, and getting what he wants. Weaknesses: He cares little for others and dismisses love and caring. His will is the will of the world. Quirks: "I'm a God, you dull creature. You? Are but a beast of burden to me." Fears: More powerful beings Ambition: He desires to be King of the Gods. Personality: Apollo is a arrogant man, he wants what he wants and her gets what he wants. Even if he must use his twin sister, Atremis, and the rest of the world to do so. He dismisses love and caring as a weakness and doesn't understand such things. Father: Zeus Mother: Leto Siblings: Artemis Pets: N/A History: N/a [h2] Relationships [/h2] -Please keep updated- [/hider]