[center][color=0076a3][h3][color=lightsteelblue]PERCY MOORE[/color][/h3][/color][b]MESS HALL, NEW ANCHORAGE FACILITY[/b] [sub][b]SEVERAL MINUTES AGO[/b][/sub][/center] [hr] Ana nearly slid right into a table as she arrived in the mess hall; she didn't mind, though, cause she [i]definitely[/i] won the race. She looked back and grinned at the blonde tailing just behind her. [color=violet]"You're a rotten egg!"[/color] Ana teased. [color=lightsteelblue]"[i]ANA[/i],"[/color] Percy's exasperated voice rose over the two girls laughing about the race. He lowered his shout to more of an angry whisper, [color=lightsteelblue]"You get over here right [i]now,[/i] young lady."[/color] Ana's beaming smile turned into a very small frown; she knew she was in trouble just by the way Percy spoke. However, before Percy could make another comment towards his daughter, a loud yet irritable sigh became apparent. Percy caught the eyes of a command officer of which he wasn't particularly familiar of who had been put in charge of making sure himself and the other NC pilots had kept to the mandatory scheduling that Graham had ordered. [color=silver]”Moore. Jackspar.”[/color] The man was not thrilled about what he was seeing here and up until today he had never even engaged with any of the NC pilots due to the fact that he was Alvarez’s underling who kept the files archived in [i]perfect[/i] order. While he was probably thrilled to get out of the databanks and away from the servers his new responsibilities irritated him. Alvarez had deemed him worthy of being a “babysitter” and even Percy could tell he wasn't a fan. [color=silver]“The mess hall is not a playground. See to it that your wards understand that.”[/color] He looked at his watch. [color=silver]“You are the first, but there is still plenty of time for the rest of your unit. Let us hope they are on time. You may receive your rations in fifteen minutes.”[/color] Percy nodded curtly in response before dealing with his child, having her sit down at the closest table, back to the table. Percy then knelt down in front of her so he could make focused eye contact. [color=lightsteelblue]"You know better than that,"[/color] his voice was stern - a possible surprise to anyone listening. Who knew [i]Percy[/i], of all people, could actually sound like he actually meant business? Ana looked confused for a moment - she had been listening to Jon speak and got side tracked - before understanding, [color=violet]"Sorry."[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"You [i]know[/i] better than that! You could've bumped into someone. You could have slipped and fell. You could have cracked your head open! These are [i]metal[/i] floors! Do you [i]know[/i] what metal would do to your pretty little head, Ana!?"[/color] Percy held her loosely by her arms, making sure she's paying attention. [color=violet]"I know, dad,"[/color] Ana's voice was small, [color=violet]"sorry."[/color] Percy let the words sink in for a moment before he continued, his voice softer. [color=lightsteelblue]"Let's not race in the hall anymore. Okay? Please?" [/color]Percy smiled, letting go of Ana's shoulders. Ana nodded, looking at Vera briefly before settling her gaze to the floor, noting the little pattern of the metal. She winced a little as she thought about how bad that'd hurt if she did fall. As Percy stood up and sat down next to her, he spoke again, [color=lightsteelblue]"I'm not mad. I was just a little worried. It's fine."[/color] The little redhead girl turned around so she'd be facing the table, looking up at the clock: 11:46. She let out a tiny groan - she had to wait [i]fourteen[/i] more minutes to eat?