[hider=CS][b]Name:[/b] Ben Way [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] At a brief glance Ben is a Dag(Aussie term see below for definition, plays into personality as well). Most of his clothes come from before he left home 6 years ago and constantly has messy unkempt, rarely cut hair. He is a wiry man with Pianists fingers. Dag - “Someone who is, or is perceived to be, unfashionable, lacking self-consciousness about their appearance and with poor social skills yet affable and amusing.” [b]Personality:[/b] Once again, Ben is a Dag(See above), don’t get him started on his fixations or he’ll expect you to listen for half an hour and know the jargon to boot. Curious by nature but will be quiet and reserved(even when wanting to ask something) about topics he doesn't know. His biggest fascination is Magic and the creatures that come with. Recently(See Abilities/Weaknesses and History for reasons why) he has not been himself as much and will occasionally have an angry burst which he immediately regrets. [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] [i]Professional Skills[/i] Enchanter(Focus on Enchanting turn of the late 19th century and early 20th century firearms/ammunition) Firearm Training Mechanical Engineer(Firearms) [i]Demonic Abilities[/i] There’s a Demon's Aspect rattling around in Ben’s head and can lend its powers now and then. Photographic Memory - Which also leads to a vast Library of Knowledge Can heal slightly quicker from non fatal wounds(Weeks become days kinda ballpark) Resistance to Fire and Poisons Slight Strength Increase(Enough to be noticeable, but not inhuman.) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Any normal Human weaknesses, (bar the resistances listed above should the demon be lending its powers today) There's an Aspect of a Demon in his head and wants to take over his body by tempting Ben to commit soul corrupting acts.(Their relationship could be described as friendly if Ben didn't despise the creature.) (I am going to RP the demon somewhat but if as OP you think it might cool to do something with the demon as it is my weakness, let me know.) Because of the Demon's presence, Ben can’t enter sacred grounds such as Churches for protection. His Family (A weakness for varying reasons both his strained relationship and the fact that their lives mean something to him) Father: Irvin Mother: Mabel Brother: David Sister: Nadia [b]Brief history/background:[/b] Ben Way is a Descendant of the famous Norse Blacksmith, Wayland the Smith. For generations his family have been weapon smiths who have also enchanted their weapons. Ben is the Black Sheep of the family and broke tradition by studying Firearms rather than Melee Weapons. Whilst pursuing various enchanting artefacts Ben came in contact with a demonic relic which upon studying allowed a aspect/projection of a demon to enter his mind. The Demon is known as Haagenti, Research revealed that he was a President of hell who made Men Wise, and a bit of an alchemist. How he ended up in the relic is beyond Ben’s knowledge. Ben has searched for a way high and low to rid himself of this demon. It seems only one great act of sacrifice and faith could possibly free him. Something Ben hasn't exactly wanted to do, or been given the opportunity to do.[/hider]