Dalton rose a solitary eyebrow at the girl's reaction. She was definitely out of place here. Thankfully Dalton wouldn't be the one to have to teach her proper etiquette and poise. That's what the royal tutors were for. The knight definitely didn't have enough patience for that. It was bad enough that he would be required to ensure her safety at all times. He cleared his throat to recompose himself before continuing. [b][color=paleturquoise]"If you would please follow me, Your Highness."[/color][/b] Dalton about-faced and made his way through the inner gates onto the path leading through the northern gardens. It was difficult to remain professional and composed as Dalton walked her through the grounds and into the castle, pointing out important places that she would need to remember and introducing her to castle staff and bureaucrats alike that they ran into along the way. The entire time she kept gawking at everything and stumbled on her own feet constantly. It was really cringe-worthy to watch if he was being honest. This girl, this citizen that had never once performed a single act of nobility in her life, was expected to rule over the entire kingdom when the king retired? She had a lot of learning ahead of her, that was for sure.... Finally coming to a halt in front of the grand suite that had been set aside as her royal bedchambers, Dalton turned to the girl behind him. [b][color=paleturquoise]"This room here shall serve as your bedchambers for the entirety of your residence in the palace. If you shall ever need me, my room is just down the hall, the last door on the left. That concludes our tour and this is where I leave you. Your personal handmaidens will stop by shortly to prepare you for the Welcoming Banquet that will be held in your honor later this evening. I strongly advise you to stay here and not wander until I come by to escort you to the Grand Ballroom where the banquet will be held. Until then, Your Highness."[/color][/b] Dalton gave a deep bow and left down the hall to report to the king.