[hider=Deon Erickson] [center] [color=ed1c24] [h1]Deon Erickson[/h1] [hider=Deon Erickson] [img]http://www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/201595/rs_1024x759-151005124758-1024.jeffrey-dean-morgan-the-good-wife.ch.100515.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: Four Hundred Fifty-four years Species: Vampire, Pale Lady bloodline Goals/Faction: Deon has one major goal in mind. Originally his plans were to assist vampires in ruling the world, but as seeing how humans will always have the will to fight back as long as they outnumber vampires, his goals have changed. After seeing most vampire rulers unfit to take on the role of a potential leader, Deon had decided that humans should be wiped out. The only exceptions being those left to be used as cattle to be farmed for blood for the rest of their remaining lives. Backstory: Deon was an English man before he was turned as a vampire. Growing up in a relatively wealthy family Deon was well educated, but what really got his attention was military actions. Well in his forties Deon saw action as a lieutenant for the British armed forces against the French forces working a covert mission. During this skirmish his unit was wiped out by a single soldier before any investigations could be taken against the French. Deon soon learned that the soldier that had wiped out his unit was a creature he had believed to be folk lore until this time. After impaling the creature and working various tortures he had convinced the vampire to turn Deon himself into a vampire. Deon continued to serve as an officer in many different armed forces until the end of the first world war when he decided playing a King in a world where he was a god was a waste of his skills and brains. He then started working as a military advisory to several advisers, recognizing the fact that he did not have the technical know how to lead a nation or the people with in it other then the ones with the guns and blades. During the Nightwars Deon served as a colonel for the vampire forces trying to take the world from the humans. Having lots of success though the years of the war he figured there was no way to lose. Until his forces lost. After the war ended he decided that his superiors were even less qualified then him to rule a planet full of humans and under educated vampires. He now works slowly to build up a new force, only recruiting a few that he deems necessary or useful to his cause either by skills or by connections to other vampires. Occasionally turning a human who may be worthy of working along the ranks with him. Powers/Skills: [b]Strategist[/b]: Serving as a high ranking officer for many different armed forces over the course of the last 400 years Deon is an excellent strategist. Many times forcing his opponents to make a choice of having to choose the greater evil. Or the choice of winning the battle or the war, many times not knowing which choice is which. Though this does not apply to his political know how which he does recognize. Though until he finds someone more qualified he is deeming himself the most qualified to try and rule the new world. [b]Strength[/b]: Due to his age, Deon has had plenty of time to make himself stronger both physically and mentally. [b]Skills fighter[/b]: Because of being in many different armies including the vampire armies during the Nightwars Deon has experience on a large scale and verity. Making him a deadly piece of warfare on his own. Devoting much of his life to combat practice in both mental strategy and upfront combat he has trained himself to be a killing machine when need be. [b]Pyrotechnics[/b]: Deon has the limited ability to burn things with his mind. But because of this ability this also makes it so he himself does not burn nearly as easily as most other vampires would. This does not however make it so he is able to function as well in sunlight. If one were to study the fire he produces they would notice it functions in a different section of the light spectrum from UV lights. Still able to burn, but with out the same effects of the sun. Thus also making his ability more or less useless against other vampires as this ability on its own is not super strong until it catches something that it can burn constantly. Equipment/Weapons: [hider=Duel sawed-off M14s] [img]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg180/spudenater/M14hacksaw.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Hand Cannon] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/da/34/1f/da341f8ca991a5a8108522867af011a1.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Duel reinforced swords] [img]http://images.knifecenter.com/thumb/1500x1500/knifecenter/coldsteel/images/CS88MOS.jpg[/img] [/hider] Themesong: Mourning Ritual, Bad Moon Rising. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNjgfTfQjCQ [/color] [/center] [/hider] [@Remipa Awesome] Very cool character. Being of the Pale Lady's line would give him water-type power usually and maybe some shape changing, so the pyroabiltiy is very odd. Run it by [@The Grey Dust]