Endless Horizons – Space Merchant RP A business NRP where you control a space faring merchant company just getting started. Under a new galactic charter, you are now part of a special section of duty-free merchants otherwise known as "Free Merchants", traders who need not worry about the complexities of planetary taxes and looser regulations than normal merchants so long you pay your Trade Tithe. Goods - As one would expect, you need stuff to trade in a business RP. Listed below are trade goods, their weight and price. Of course, prices will fluctuate depending on the system and planet with some goods being banned outright on certain planets. Green Goods are things that are typically safe in all systems while Red Goods are contraband, something that's almost universally banned and will get you in trouble, if you're caught. License goods are something in between which you require special licenses to trade in and will you will be punished for trading without license though not as severely as with contraband. Trade Goods [list][*]Metals [*]Alloys [*]Construction Materials [*]Foodstuffs [*]Electronics [*]Rare Earth Elements [/list] License Goods [list][*]Plasteel [*]Pharmaceuticals [*]Luxury Metals [*]Luxury Foodstuffs [*]Chemicals [*]Fuel [*]Small Arms [*]Animals [/list] Contraband Goods [list][*]Narcotics [*]Slaves [*]Heavy Weaponry [/list] Worlds - There are many different types of worlds, each unique and not the same as another. It should be noted that worlds does not mean planet nor vice versa, you can have a moon count as a world or a astroid. - Primal Worlds - Untouched worlds - Colony Worlds - Recently colonized planets who've yet to create their own identity and are in their infancy - Feral Worlds - Worlds that have gone medieval or have an otherwise low technological ability, formerly worlds that have been colonized but have degraded and regressed - Industrial Worlds - Special Deals – Special Deals are unique events which have avery specific task that have a limited amount of time before they go away. They vary in risk and reward, sometimes just involving delivering unique goods and providing temporary shuttle assistance to black market smuggling and rescuing powerful people. Events - Random events which can work for or against you. Things such as market booms or crashes that will increase or decrease the price of certain goods, wars which will make trading more dangerous but less security and more demand for weapons, disasters which will increase demands for construction materials and medicine. Crew - Each of your merchants will have a ship to their own which they will be able to pilot to the various destination to earn you money. There are also crew members which will buff your ability to deal with a certain issue or improve something. they include: - Guards - Trained in the use of weapon, they will help man guns and defend from boarding actions as well as protect the ship while its planet side. They can also be used to guard merchants themselves who may be targeted for whatever reason. - Navigator Pilots - People with great knowledge of galactic navigation, they will speed up the ship they are on and negate environmental penalties from things such as astroid belts and rough atmosphere - Smuggler - Those with a... [i]special[/i] set of skills with questionable morality, they will increase your chances of getting past things such as security and cargo checks. They will also increase profits gained from contraband goods but if you are caught with them on board, the punishments will increase, even more so if they are high leveled. (Dice system) - Engineer Technician - Skilled in the ways of machines and electronics, they will reduce damage taken by the ship and can also reduce the cost of repairing the ship they are assigned to. - Consultants - Adding additional brain power, they will reduce the upkeep and wages of the ship and its people while also increasing the profits from normal trade goods a little.