[H1][center][color=fdc68a]Tenne[/color][/center][/h1] A tall figure exited a rather ramshackle home, the door hanging oddly on its hinges, the windows broken and closed with what looked like recently added boards. The figure was an obviously feminine form, though one with a readily apparent rough edge to her earned from a hard life. She wore a light brown hide coat, a tawny speckled tail emerging from underneath adjusting in response to each step, with a matching pair of constantly shifting ears atop her head. Under the jacket she wore a simple black tank top, and a pair of loose fitting pants and brown boots finished the ensemble. Tenne sighed as she left her house, carrying a small tote of her few belongings, groaning as she saw the sun already inching through the sky. She should have been gone hours ago, but of course her father hadn’t made anything for the twins to eat that morning. As such she'd been stuck making breakfast one last time, which included corralling them to the table. Though it was a bit easier due to the pair still sporting bruises from when their home had been attacked. The memory evoked a growl from the back of Tenne's throat, her round speckled ears pressing against her head as she remembered that night. However, she'd more than dealt with the problem, having made sure the perpetrators wouldn't be doing much of anything for some time. Still, it had become obvious that she'd be unable to continue her current line of work and so now she was off to join some uppity human school, some sort of charity the old king hoped would make them forget about the past few hundred years. She wove through the back alleys, using the paths she'd learned over the years to avoid the guards. A frown crossed her face as her ears perked to attention, the sound of a few bodies up ahead doing their best trying to remain hidden, and with a silent sigh she continued on her path, already knowing the script of the play. Sure enough as she rounded the corner, ears perked and eyes wide, three humans surrounded her, the tell-tale click of knives coming out making their intentions clear. Tenne rolled her eyes at the display, seeing most of the boys hardly out puff their tween years, the way they held their knives showing they had little to no knowledge about attacking a person. [color=fdc68a]'But then again, you're not technically a person are you Spots,'[/color] came a wicked voice in her head. Her ears once more pressed back as the thought disappeared as quickly as out had come. She was suddenly brought back to the present as the apparent leader of these children stepped forward, casually brandishing the knife. "Morning to ya miss, 'fraid there's a toll through this alley way, on account o' us keepin' it safe like," he said, circling her as he did. "Normally da toll naught but 2 silver, but I think we can change things up, " he continued, a weasley smile creeping on to his face as he looked to her prominently displayed ears "For you, I'd say the fee is 6 silver, after all, there's a tax on animals," he finished with a wicked laugh, followed closely by the other two. Tenne rolled her eyes as they finished they're little tirade, dropping her bag to the ground, rubbing her shoulder a moment before seeming to close the small gap between them in a moment, her forearm against his throat and pinning him to a building wall, a look of calm being slightly ruined by the wide eyes staring rather intently at the boy,[color=fdc68a] "Well, this is rather cute and all, " [/color]she said, her words rather odd and measured, [color=fdc68a]"But I'm already late and really don't have time to be fucking around on amateur hour, now tell your boys to drop the knives,"[/color] Tenne giving a large grin, her large canines on prominent display, "and we can all have a lovely day. " Silence reigned over the alley for what seemed like hours, before a hint of steel entered the young boys eyes, "Gut tha bitch," before wiggling out of her grip, readying his own knife. Tenne took on a wide grin as the boys came at her, [color=fdc68a]' At least they have balls'[/color] ------------------------------------------ Tenne was breathing hard now as she wiped a shallow cut on her forehead, the boys having put up more of a fight than she had expected, but still nothing she couldn't handle. She grabbed her bag from where she had dropped it, heading out of the alley when her ears pricked , a groan behind her gaining her interest. She fought the urge to turn around but lost the battle, and turned to see one of the boys apparently bleeding out with his own knife sticking out of him, though she couldn't remember using it on him. Though to be fair that wasn't too surprising. She momentarily considered just leaving him there, but that nagging voice in her head wouldn't leave her alone, groaning as she turned back to them, seeing the other two starting to recover, [color=fdc68a]"Take the lil shit down to the east alley by the market, there's a discrete doctor there, tell him it's from [i]Spots[/i],"[/color] grimacing at the name, before leaving the alley way behind, not bothering to see if they were taking her advice. Upon leaving, she spotted the home the beastkin students were supposed to stay in. She groaned as she saw the crowd that was gathering, having hoped to get her stuff in before everyone else arrived and grow used to her setting. Luckily there seemed to be some kind of commotion involving a...man? Yes definitely a human, he had that arrogant air one gets when they think they can own anything. She wiped the cut on her eyebrow again as the blood got in her eye, trying to sneak in hopefully on the chaos.