Grey said the character was cool already, but just to run it by you [@Wraithblade6] [hider=Bedivere's Toadie] [img][/img] Name: James Rodney Age: Mid 30s Species: Human Goals/Faction: Chief of MI6 Personality: James is an aloof and shrewd man, knowing full well that his positions as Bedivere’s ally and chief of MI6 grants him immunity in most situations. Backstory: James grew up on Bond films, and thus a childish ambition to become a super spy shed away and morphed into a true blue career as the chief of MI6 after years of training and service. Off the record, James had developed quite a reputation for removing threats to the position he was working so hard to get to through any means necessary. After both the previous chief, and all of James’ competitors wound up dead or missing in one way or another, James was the only clear choice. Suspicion circled the man like a swarm of flies to a corpse, and those bold enough to voice their worries soon found themselves in bodybags. The remaining operatives quickly began to agree upon their new chief’s innocence. He now serves as Bedivere’s right hand man, using his position to further the vampire’s goals. The only thing that James asks in return is a place near the vampire at the top of the heap. Powers/Skills: James has incredible influence and manpower at his back. He is also trained in close quarters combat with handguns and fisticuffs. Equipment/Weapons: When his highly trained bodyguards fail, James possesses an L9A1 loaded with silver bullets that seems to put an end to most problematic debates. Themesong: [/hider]