[center][h1][color=FF0000]The End of Pax Romana[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://media0.giphy.com/media/H6Ks6FMp5QAGQ/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][h2][center]The Prologue[/center] [/h2][hr][hr][center][i][color=FF0000]Upon the year 249 A.D., blood boils profusely against the dust-ridden battlefield near Verona. Blades are seen rising towards the sun in tune with the cries of victory. Decius has broken his line of general to enter the rule of emperor, as his dearest friend whom once entrusted him whole heartedly, Philip the Arabian, lies deep and dead against the soil, mangled and mutilated. Alongside the fallen man welcomes sons and fathers of the surviving soldiers. No foreign blood was shed. Roman ripping Roman ruggedly in the ties of a power struggle is only the beginning of the reign of Gaius Messius Quintus Decius… [/color][/i][/center][hr][hr][center][i][color=DAA520]The streets of Rome are stomped by the harsh steps of soldiers. It is a homecoming, a parading of men for the praise of their new emperor- a true traditionalist, a true Roman. Amongst these who joined them rides a centurion. Once celebrations find their end, the officer finds his home, finds himself nearing in fear to his wife as he clings to a rotting cloth. Before his woman ushers a kiss to her long awaited warrior, the cloth is shaken from the corpse it once covered- a son murdered by his father…[/color][/I][/center][hr][hr][h2][center]The Characters[/center][/h2][hr][hr] [center][i][color=DAA520]Players can choose from the following selection of main characters below. These characters will face the historically-accounted reign of Emperor Decius, a usurper that rose to power through military respect. The main characters are comprised of their own life crisis in relation to the era. During this time, a vicious new tribe of barbarians known as the Goths, have crossed the Danube River and have made their way into the empire itself. Some characters will serve as soldiers and will march off into battle during the span of the roleplay, however their wives and children will remain within the protection of the city. Drama may surely be enticed while the men are off to war and away from the supervision of their home. This roleplay will have its turns of romance, military action, and family struggle. A strong driving force of the game will be pressed on the events during the reign of Emperor Decius, such as Decian persecution of a new radical religion, Christianity. Original characters are permitted, however to insure that the main characters are selected, there can be no more than five original characters until the main ones have all been taken. If you wish to control more than one character, as of now, you may take two main characters and one original, or three main characters and no originals. The rules of this may change depending on spot reservation. I’ll put up the specific character sheet perhaps tomorrow or when things start turning. But reservations can begin. If you have any suggestions considering the plot or characters feel free to private message me. [/color][/I][/center][hr][hr][center][h2]The Achilleus Family[/h2][/center] [center][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvrila4kem1r3rjxq.gif[/img] [b]|| Aurelius Achilleus|| Father || 42 || Face Claim: Michael Fassbender || Taken by beyond visions||[/b] Though Aurelius has been hardened by a military life since the age of 16, he was broken by the death of his eldest son, Ajax, during the battle between Philip the Arabian and Decius. Ajax had died by the hands of his own father, with the eyes of a scared boy following the blade that penetrated through his chest. Aurelius performed his duty as a loyal soldier, yet he is still haunted with regret. The centurion fears his son's corpse will shred a strong tear against his family, especially with his wife. [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [b]|| Name || Aurelius’s Wife || Age: || Face Claim: || Open ||[/b] Aurelius’s wife is a faithful one, loving him unconditionally like a true Roman women even through their arranged married. Yet there is still room for her rage, a woman known popularly for it. She is one to express her feeling with full liveliness and is recognized as one who can fight for herself if the time calls for it. However, Aurelius’s wife fears he has become desensitized to the site of blood, especially with the fact that he presses their youngest son now into the legion. [/center] [hr][hr] [b][center]|| Name || Aurelius’s Son|| Age: 16 || Face Claim: || Open ||[/center][/b] [center]Aurelius’s son has just turned 16, the absolute youngest age to enlist in the legion. He has always been expected to be as great as his father and often does Aurelius take him to the colosseum in order that he may be exposed to life and death. He desires to make his father proud, yet he finds no calling within himself to be a soldier. [/center] [hr][hr] [center][b]|| Name || Aurelius’s Daughter|| Age: || Face Claim: || Open ||[/b] She is Aurelius’s only daughter and is on her way into an arranged marriage. Yet in secret, she has already found herself a lover, their Christian slave boy. Her father is completely oblivious to the fact that she has converted to this newfound religion, but her mother has taken a hint of her daughter’s fond liking in the slave. Aurelius is a strong and stubborn traditionalist, thus making anything foreign dangerous. Once he discovers both his daughter’s new lover and religion, he will do everything to break it from her. [/center] [hr][hr] [center][b]|| Name || Family Slave || Age: || Face Claim: || Open ||[/b] Aurelius has always been kind to the family slave with one rule in mind, no gods foreign to the Roman ones shall be uttered within his home. The slave has been kept quiet for long, yet Decian persecution of the Christians is soon to come, forcing the believers to cast sacrifices to pagan gods. The slave has had thoughts of escaping, but only in hopes that him and Aurelius’s daughter can live alone and free together. [/center] [hr][hr][center][h2]The Kaius Family[/h2][/center] [center] [b]|| Nicodemus Kaius || Aurelius’s Best Friend || Age: || Face Claim: || Open ||[/b] On the battlefield, Nicodemus is Aurelius’s second-in-command, the Optio Centuriae, and outside it Nicodemus is Aurelius’s best friend. Nicodemus only wants the best for his friend especially within the grief Aurelius now faces. Yet Nicodemus must now keep his head up for the drama stirring within his own household. [hr][hr][/center] [center] [b]|| Name || Nicodemus’s Wife || Age: || Face Claim: || Open ||[/b] Nicodemus’s wife takes stronger interest in Aurelius rather than her own husband. She admires Aurelius’s loyalty to the old Roman ways and envies to be with a man of his considerable rank. It is only a matter of time till whether or not Aurelius is successfully tempted to an affair. [hr][hr][/center] [center] [b]|| Name || Nicodemus’s Son || Age: || Face Claim: || Open ||[/b] Nicodemus’s son is awaiting to marry Aurelius’s daughter, though there is no compatibility between the two. Matter of fact, Aurelius’s daughter quite despises her future husband, he proves blood thirsty, yet to her father, Nicodemus’s son is battle-experienced and his aggressiveness is mistaken for protectiveness. None the less, he wants a wife and he wants her, forceful about it too. [/center] [hr][hr][center][h2]The Rules[/h2][/center][hr][hr] [center]1.) As GM, of course I get final say and authority on matters when the time calls for it. 2.) Remember to take hold of common roleplay etiquette such as no godmodding, controlling other characters without permission, no Mary Sues, so on and so forth. 3.) As of roleplay length, I prefer for things to be kept at a five hundred word minimum with proper grammar though I understand we aren't perfect and cannot always reach that mark. But you what they said, quality over quantity. 4.) Keep all content within the roleplay and within the OCC PG-13 5.) All face claims must be real people and not anime or cartoon characters 6.) Final rule and probably one of the most important, please stay active, each character means a lot to the roleplay. I understand there are bumps and humps in life that delay us from hobbies like roleplaying, but if you do have to leave please give me a private message and we will see how we can work things out. [/center]