[hider=Disclaimer] Uhh.. Don't read the backstory if you're a prude, bigot, or any combination of the two. [/hider] [hider=Decided not to do a Hybrid] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/29/b8/1229b87337273e074ef935f45bee620d.jpg[/img] [color=ed145b][b]Name:[/b][/color] Cupid Abatangelo [color=ed145b][b]Age:[/b][/color] Turned at age 23 during the height of Rome’s power [color=ed145b][b]Species:[/b][/color] Vampire [color=ed145b][b]Goals/Faction:[/b][/color] Cupid wants to build a great army of vampires to invade Italy and reclaim the glory of Rome. [color=ed145b][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Cupid was born and raised in the city of Rome during the Pax Romana. Working as a street vendor, he’d always use his outstandingly attractive looks and silver tongue to convince people to purchase from him. Both men and women alike seeked his affections, but Cupid turned each and every one down. One day however he came to spy the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Cupid became obsessed with this mysterious and wonderful man, and pined over him constantly. At long last his desires were granted and the man took him into his home. It was there that Cupid experienced intercourse for the first time, and was turned. Master took Cupid as his lover, and together they prowled the streets at night for blood and rape. After a time they moved out of the city and into the countryside, preying on travelling passerby. It was during this time that Master taught Cupid the mighty powers of his unique bloodline. Things drifted into a lull after that day, and the routine of lovemaking and lifetaking in their new home finally settled in. Then the Hun arrived. Atilla and his followers swept across the countryside like a scourge, laying waste to all in their path. When he reached the home of Cupid and his Master, they were merciless. The last time Cupid ever saw his Master alive was when the latter ordered the former to hide down in the cellar. Cupid saw the fear in his eyes then, and still remembers it now. When the scourge had ended, Rome was in shambles. It was only a matter of time before the country fell to the infighting and strife that was now poisoning it like a virus. Cupid took his leave that day, and never has he returned. Centuries passed, and Cupid eventually found his way to America after ages of travel, becoming the proprietor of an ever popular New York strip club, the “Cupid’s Kiss”. [color=ed145b][b]Powers/Skills:[/b][/color] As an Abatangeloan, Cupid can manipulate the minds of most creatures not possessing a strong will and turn them into thralls. Even those strong enough to resist direct control cannot help but to feel inclined to agree with or be more polite to him. He is also considered to be an excellent swordsman. While neither the sun nor items of holy descendance bear any effect upon him, Cupid’s powers begin to rapidly fail after more than a day or two without consuming fresh human blood. After a week without nourishment he is barely stronger than the average human. [color=ed145b][b]Equipment/Weapons:[/b][/color] A stylish gold topped cane holding a silver sword within [hider=Cane] [img]http://www.swordsofmight.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/p-76358-KR56G__14537.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=ed145b][b]Themesong:[/b][/color] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGGRG2X0mOU [/hider]