[quote=@AirBender] [@tsukune] Okay I see, the way you worded it made it sound like they didn't have them at all. That makes a lot more sense. What I said about Edward being fucked was supposed to be more of a funny thing than a complaint. But okay, weapons it is. XD But seriously, seeing one of the most useless Final Fantasy characters try to fist fight a goblin would have been hilarious. [/quote] My bad. English isn't my native language, but thanks for pointing out my terribad wording, lol. It can become a reality: like, he may have a harp, but it doesn't mean he knows how to utilize it to use his abilities properly... [hider=Random Headcanon] *sees a goblin coming towards him* *looks at his harp* *thinks that it's a waste to hit it with his harp* *throws out a punch* *his fist hurts like hell, but it does its job!* ...But wait, the goblin is back on its feet. *runs away, obviously!* ...Heh. [/hider] [hr] [quote=@Grasshopper] [@tsukune] I'm working on a Cloud CS. The biggest problem I'm having is trying to condense his background down to a reasonable size. Could I get away with just putting a link to his wiki? [/quote] Sorry, but I have to say no. The reason why I ask for a summary is because: (1) To show your understanding of the character you're taking up, (2) To allow other players who may not be familiar with the characters you're assuming to get the gist and feel of them; the main idea is to deconstruct and rebuild the characters, not following the canon word for word, (3) Don't be lazy! Lol. Size of the summary doesn't matter. It's the content - as long as the main, important points are there. (And...don't plagiarize!) [hr] [quote=@Bounce] If I can request some clarification on the IC set-up, are all of our characters waking up in the same location? Are they intended to be near/adjacent to one another? In the same region but not together? Just want to make certain I have that detail straight for my first post. [/quote] Yes, all characters should be in the same location and as close to one another as possible. It would suck if they are all at world's end, all alone with their head all muddled and confused...and then a Malboro appears right behind you with Bad Breath. [hr] [quote=@Flamelord] Hey there. So I'm interested in joining this, there's just the small problem of wanting to do something from FF5. Which.....is complicated as far as a sheet goes. How should I handle that? [/quote] Ah, Kain Highwind from FF4? (AirBender is playing Edward from the same game title.) For the CS, I did include a guideline just below the coded template. :)