Hello there, I'm Penryn but you can call me Penryn! I'm a twenty-one year old girl living somewhere in a quaint town in the Sonoran desert with my beloved mother and a black, scruffy rat terrier named Toulouse, or Woo Woo Chi, as I like to call him. I've been roleplaying circa 2006 when I wrote some pretty cringe-worthy, pre-school posts to a vast Teen Titans roleplay and would continue said crap writing to MSN Messenger with friends. Despite not being a fan of reading, my writing improved when I'd lurk (as I still do, see: Invisible Mode) on threads that had more advanced, intelligible writers so I started practicing on my own and lo and behold, I'm much better now! I wouldn't say I'm a "pro" though, just fairly skilled so I'm excited to see where things take me here. I hope everyone had a good weekend!