[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bf/Discworld_gods.jpg[/img][/center] Once upon a time, when gods ruled the world, there was a war. Many died, and many cried, though what had changed it all was what the gods called the terrible plight. A man of men stepped forward, spreading false lies as the the son of a god. Though, the man had not been the first to do so, it was not that the gods began to fear. What followed with the man was a blessing from a god who had been banished. Weaving his lies with the help of the gods gift; the man healed the sick and fed the hungry, spreading across false hope. The little fire the falsifier had started, did not take long to spread and it did not take long for the false son of a god to gain followers and worshipers of his own. Who tortured and killed others for defiling their saint or not believing his lies. The gods felt at loss and did not know what to do, knowing well they could not interfere as much as they had wished, due to the blessing the man had received. Despite their efforts of of trying, and despite all their warnings, men continued to ravage their land and people. Till one day, the son of the god of poverty and the goddess of wisdom stepped forward with a plan. "Make me human" the young god spoke, "and I will be the new change, a new prophet; the true son of gods. This can not continue any further." With that, the young god continued to explain himself, and the plan was put into motion. Everything was flooded and the sinners washed away, and the false son of a god became no more. But that had of course, not come without a cost. Men had to pay and learn from their mistakes, and the gods made it clear that they would no longer watch over and protect the people, though before disappearing for good, a messenger was sent. "The gods have forsaken men" The messenger spoke calmly the message of the gods. "Though they will come back. There will come a day, when the gods will walk among us once more. But when that day comes, the world will end." Though, of course that is now where our story will take us. No, our story is in Edda Hross Highschool. Summer vacation has ended, and students have started their lessons, ether with a bundle of excitement or with apprehension and dread. [center]-----------------------[/center] This roleplay will be set in modern times and I am looking for at least 5 high school students, ether sophomores, juniors or seniors, who will be sons and daughters of gods. Though, there is a bit of a twist; they don't actually know they are. They have been born and raised by just a normal human family, without any knowledge that their destiny is to end the world. The story starts just a few days into the new semester when your character receives a letter from ether their current or former history teacher depending on their year, asking you to meet them in the classroom during lunch. When it comes to the gods, I'm not going after a certain religion, but your character can only be the god or goddess of one thing. Examples; God of poverty, goddess of virtue, etc, etc, etc. All of the characters have some sort of a reputation among the students and teachers alike in school, though they do not need to necessarily know one another, nor be known for popularity. [u][b]Quick Notes:[/b][/u] * Activity Expectations: People are expected to be active in the OoC. * Activity Expectations: Participants should be able to post a minimum of at least one post every other day. * Posting Expectations: Sizable paragraphs are wanted(Desired example: 300~400 words (appx 3 paragraphs)). * Posting Expectations: Creativity is desired, but to a sensible extent. Character [code] (Image) [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] (Example; Name: John Johnson, Princess Peach) [u][b]The God/dess of:[/b][/u] [b][u]Age and grade:[/u][/b] (Example: 16, sophomore) [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] [u][b]Height:[/b][/u] [u][b]Hair Color:[/b][/u] [u][b]Eye Color:[/b][/u] [u]- What are the defining characteristic/traits that define you character? [/u] [u](Trait 1):[/u] [u](Trait 2):[/u] [u][b]Background:[/b][/u] (Should be between 1~2 paragraph... Make sure to include;) - How people in the town and school perceived your character. - Any significant event/s that occurred that led to the above perception. - How your character feels towards other classmates? - What is the one thing they are exceptionally good at? (This is affected by what sort of a god they are) - What is their greatest flaw? - What is at least one thing they would protect in the world? [u]- How do you as a player want your character to be perceived by others?[/u][/code]