[quote=@Cuddle Pot] [@sakurasan] go for it. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Your character is very interesting just one point. I'm gonna have to say no on the revival ability. For fairness if someone dies it should be permanent or at least a large ordeal to restore them to their rightful selves. Other than that your good. [/quote] I imagine a five thousand gold sacrifice in diamonds would be hard to acquire, which is what I was basing my interpretation from given it has some pretty lofty expectations. Being the recipient of [url=http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/raiseDead.htm]Raise Dead[/url] is no small ordeal either for their person. But if that still does not suffice, even as just a potential option to return lost characters if their player wished it, I can and will remove it as requested. On a more light note, I am pleased you find the concept of a divine force of nature very interesting.