Guillame considered acting scared for a moment. He had served in the army: he had known many mages, and he knew that you couldn't turn someone into a newt. At least, he was pretty sure. Kind of sure. Maybe not so sure. It's probably all in good fun anyway, right? Not that the threat was really necessary. For a free horse and enough supplies to make it to the border, Guillame was more than willing to deliver a letter. Really, he was would have been willing to do more for less, but this was war, he supposed. It's not as though there's an excess of messengers around, and even fewer who could make it to Ylisse without much incident. That's the sort of thing you would pay high price for. Slight issue, though. He couldn't ride a horse. Like most common folk, he'd never really needed to. His family didn't move around much, and on the rare occasions when they did, walking was always the cheaper option. As far as he knew, the horse could just end up bucking him around and then running off. Or maybe he'd end up dead with a hoof-print on his forehead. Returning from his thoughts, Guillame realized that, both literally and figuratively, he was looking the gift horse in the mouth. Taking the reigns from the young woman, he nodded and smiled politely. It'd be a challenge. And besides, horse riding could a be a useful skill to have under his belt. [Color=Wheat]"[i]C'est déjà fait,[/i]"[/Color] he said, smoothly. [Color=Wheat]"It is done already. Show me the best road, and I will take it."[/Color]