[center][h2]Matsumoto Hantaru[/h2][/center] [indent]I bid farewell to the teacher and kept walking. No sense dallying. The others at Lit were probably waiting on me too. I knew the book was in my bag; never left home without it. As I slowly walked towards the library, I heard a commotion, then saw a whole bunch a' students running the other way, past me. I had to cock an eyebrow. What the hell? My head turned to follow them. They were all in a rush about something. Didn't that teacher tell me something though? Drama club, wasn't it? Bunch a weirdos. But he wanted me to tell Kaede that he had some paperwork due? And wasn't drama club that way? Uh oh. Something was up. And the bigger throng of students running [i]away[/i] from where Drama club was only confirmed that. I threw my coat on and slung my bag. This was gonna be interesting. I followed the other students through the crowd that was running away. No sense in calling out to them. Better see what I could see before I made myself known.[/indent]