[quote=@Penultimate_Pi] And finally, here it is! [hider=Jecht - Final Fantasy X] [center][color=Sandybrown][h1]JECHT[/h1][b]< FINAL FANTASY X >[/b][/color] [sup][b][i]"I ain't gettin' any younger, so I might as well make myself useful."[/i][/b][/sup] [hr][img]http://static.mangadrawing.net/users/image/34129-final-fantasy-jecht.776d55ef67928f273833c5288e4f9986.jpg[/img][/center][hr] [color=Sandybrown][b]MEMORIA[/b][/color] [indent]Boisterous powerhouse, father of one, and Zanarkand's local blitzball star, Jecht was nothing if not well known for one reason for another. Famous for his skill as a blitzballer and notorious for his drinking habit, Jecht's life was rocky path, but one he proved to handle in some way regardless. Happily married to his wife, Jecht would come to father a son named Tidus, only to discover he was no good at parenting. When he wasn't drinking or playing in matches, Jecht would frequently criticize and berate his Tidus in the misguided hopes that he would try and grow stronger in order to disprove him. Though his brash and rough-spoken nature took prominence, Jecht did hold genuine care for his wife and son, even if he proved no good at showing it. Of course, it all turned upside down after he departed on a ship out to sea for some personal blitzball training. His venture to further hone his trademark Jecht Shot turned into the discovery of Sin - and his subsequent abduction into the world of Spira. Unaware of the truth surrounding Sin and his own transition, Jecht was quickly locked up as a crazy drunkard with no foreseeable release. The former blitzball ace was given a second shot, however, in the form of the heathen summoner Braska, who selected the man to be one of his guardians alongside the disgraced monk Auron. Despite the latter's protests at the idea, Braska held the belief that it would be a fit of cosmic irony if such an unlikely trio could manage to complete the summoner's pilgrimage and defeat Sin. With no other option available and itching for some revenge against Sin, Jecht agreed. Before the journey, and then along the way, Jecht shared his tales of Zanarkand as he remembered it, being the best blitzball star of his kind. His braggart personality and drunken tendencies ended up getting Braska in a lot of trouble, culminating in an incident where Jecht injured a pack animal after mistaking it for a fiend. Realizing how much damage he was causing, Jecht forcibly ended his alcoholism out of embarrassment of what he did, and in fear his family would be ashamed of him. He made recordings of the pilgrimage to his Tidus and his wife whenever he returned to Zanarkand, confident he would eventually find a way back after defeating Sin. Time passed, and the former blitzballer gradually came to learn of Spira and the events permeating the land. Jecht made a strong effort to mature, insisting that they help people along the way because "it's the right thing to do" - a phrase that usually followed with Braska, Auron, and himself getting in trouble. Despite this, the three of them became closely fire-forged friends in spite of the world around them, and came to respect each other. Eventually, as Jecht learned the truth of Zanarkand and its fate, he came to realize and accept the he would never return to his home as he knew it, and left behind his recordings for Tidus to follow, should his son ever suffer the same fate as himself. As Braska's journey reached an end towards the ruins of Zanarkand, Jecht willingly surrendered his life to become the summoner's Final Aeon. Knowing that he would never see his world again, Braska's guardian asked a final favor of Auron: to watch over Tidus. Though Auron knew that Sin would return as per the fated "cycle of death," Jecht was confident that he would find a way to end Sin's reincarnation once and for all. As it had occured many times before, the cycle engaged again, and Braska's Final Aeon become possessed as the new core for Sin. However, Jecht's spirit remained prominent enough- whenever he heard the Hymn of the Fayth, a melody of prayer he subconsciously resonated with, Jecht's mind would temporarily awaken, allowing him a small medium of control over his actions as Sin. It was this very 'weakness' that allowed him to free Tidus from Zanarkand, and eventually see his defeat through. For the first time, Sin could be pacified without the use of a Final Aeon, allowing the opportunity to expose and confront the inner workings of Sin itself- it allowed Jecht to see his son one last time before Sin, Zanarkand, and himself, were all destroyed and faded away into the afterlife.[/indent] [color=Sandybrown][b]PARTNER[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Moogle - Mogolia][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/0/00/FFXI_Porter_Moogle.png/revision/latest?cb=20140225082701[/img][/hider][/indent] [color=Sandybrown][b]INVENTORY[/b][/color] [list][*][hider=Weapons] [list][*][b]Long Blade[/b] - [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/2/25/FFX_Weapon_-_Katana_4.png/revision/latest?cb=20130421234548]Image[/url] [i]A sword bordering on oversized with its sheer length and heft. Only an experienced fighter can wield it properly. (Initial weapon.)[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Dragonslayer[/b] - [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/1/12/FFX_Weapon_-_Katana_3.png/revision/latest?cb=20130421234547]Image[/url] [i]A weapon once fit for killing a dragon. It lacks the power of other swords, but better resonates with magical abilities.[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Masamune[/b] - [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/5/50/FFX_Weapon_-_Masamune.png/revision/latest?cb=20130421234548]Image[/url] [i]A familiar weapon forged by a famous swordsmith. In spite of its size, it lunges out unerringly at foes for a preemptive strike.[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Sin's Talon[/b] - [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/a/a3/Dissidia-JechtSword.png/revision/latest?cb=20110219090446]Image[/url] [i]An absolutely massive blade emblazoned with Spiran script, the last remnant of the Final Aeon. The sword's weight belies great damage, and promotes the use of Jecht's special abilities.[/i][/list] [/hider][/list] [list][*][hider=Special Abilities] [list][*][b]Triumphant Grasp[/b] [i]Jecht charges a target and grapples it with his left hand, unleashing an explosive pulse of negative energy. Inflicts damage and makes the target unable to be healed temporarily.[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Jecht Beam[/b] [i]An energy beam that bursts into a sphere of destruction. Lacks range, but boasts a large area of effect and the chance to petrify an enemy if they are struck directly.[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Ultimate Jecht Shot[/b] [i]A variation of the trademark Blitzball technique, Jecht smashes a boulder into the air, breaks it into three pieces, then launches each piece like a cannonball into a target. The high power and speed behind this technique makes it difficult to avoid, and the use of three projectiles allows Jecht to attack several enemies at once or concentrate his fire on a single target from different angles.[/i][/list] [/hider][/list] [color=Sandybrown][b]JOURNAL[/b][/color] [list][*][hider=Character Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA84db59YSY[/youtube][/hider] [*][hider=Theme of the Final Aeon]Because I just wanted to put this awesome song here. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLJlSChhPk4[/youtube][/hider] [*]Favors his right arm for sword use, with his left arm being armored. [*]Wears a tattoo of the Zanarkand Abes on his chest, and will typically be shirtless to show it off. [*]His appearance retains some aspects of his form as the Final Aeon, giving him spikes on his left shoulder and right leg in the form of armor. [*]Being a resident of the Dream of Zanarkand, Jecht subconsciously resounds with the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCYraH2-KyA]Hymn of the Fayth[/url], even if he doesn't recognize it.[/list] [color=Sandybrown][b]VISION[/b][/color] [indent]For a character that is effectively absent for most of the story (his state as Sin aside), Jecht has a significant arc of character, arguably stronger than Tidus's own. Whereas Tidus was simply an ace blizball player with an unsettled grudge against his father when he entered Spira, Jecht was a man fueled strictly by alcohol and pride when he first arrived, and through the pilgrimage changed into a genuinely proud and well-meaning warrior who became best friends with his comrades. Alas, this story is hardly ever felt, only recounted through other characters and recordings. I hope to bring to the table the feeling of that Jecht, a rough-and-tough guardian who wore his heart proudly aside his boasts. [/indent] [center][img]http://www.vizzed.com/videogames/screenshots/43/436855/71580/Dissidia%20012%20Final%20Fantasy_a3e71b31c4992077140f8dee1c741c721422331824-full.png[/img][/center][/hider] [/quote] [img]http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/34/34dc348757fb77da3c6412990dd96af9f29ac8ae25678a1e7c4d3ca8b8c8aebf.jpg[/img] Now I just need one more... [@zaga2575][@Flamelord][@Grasshopper] - the clock is ticking! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [hr] Given Jihl and Jecht's personality... [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCBBw_B0Yy4[/youtube] (No seriously please don't do the Moogle Toss, lol.) [sup]And yeah my lame sense of humor knows no limit.[/sup]