[@Cuddle Pot ] here is my cs. also is it possible for me to take the marksman as well( if there are not engough char for people than ofc I will give it away) I kinda wanted to make Sabriye's brother the marksman [hider=Blind sorcerer CS] Tarot Card: Blind sorcerer Name: Sabriye Solar Age:20 Gender: female Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d1/28/9e/d1289e93d29d3c7fcf57633d6af27184.jpg[/img] [/hider] she is blind Personalty: She is very curious and often sneaks out to go and play. She is kind but doesn't trust you very easy. Cares for her friend and can be a bit of a airhead sometimes. Backstory: born blind, abondoned in a forest in Theros as a baby, Sebriye was destined to die young and alone. However a Elven woman who had just lost her son in the wars found her and decided to raise her. She found a most welcome home at the elves and even had close realtions with the royal family. She has a elder brother who dotes very much on her, not wanting her to leave their home alone. at the age of 9 they discoverd Sebriye could peform magic and the elves thought her their healing skils. Although not perfect she can also communticate with plants en animals, knowing everything there is to know about nature. Abilities: healing: this takes a toll on her body as well. The more severe the injurie to more (shall we call it mana) energie it takes to heal it. talking to nature: Not perfect, she has especialy trouble communicating with old trees( they are stubborn as ...) animals that have lived near humans are the easiest to communicate with. She can see roughly by tapping on the ground ands asking the nature around her for an image of her surrounding. [hider=something like this, ey you know the drill] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/9b1684ed4ae45b957d74fe26779816a5/tumblr_ngbq93X2Ip1u593k1o4_500.gif[/img] [/hider] Theme song: quest for camelot [/hider]