A lanky, and somewhat old, man was walking through a very odd forest full of colorful creatures and giant mushroom trees, among other vegetation. Humming to himself as he enjoyed his stroll. Butterflies were plentiful in the skies and were not afraid of the man. As he continues to trek through this strange and ponderous land it began to dim, and grey clouds grew thick above instead of the colorful butterflies. Odd in the distance he spied a lovely chateau on a hill surrounded by giant, full colored, mushrooms. Unaware of where he was, and not too concerned, he made his way up the hill to where the steps were. He stood at the base of the steps and looked up at the abode for a moment before trekking the steps to the front door. He gave a knock on the door before entering into the home. He heard a couple of people from behind the doors in here, it would appear that this was merely a guest chateau and that there was more to come. He left the chateau and moved to the back yard, and further up the hill. There seemed to be a made before him, and on the other side an absolutely lovely manse. He continued trekking on into the maze and kept a good eye about him. But it seemed to be well lit, and there were dead creatures of sorts about on the ground. He carefully tip toed around the beasts, not to get his shoes mucked up, and soon made it out of the maze. He had arrived on the other side where the manse, which so caught his eye, stood. He walked up the steps to the door and paused for a moment. He heard some interesting conversation going on behind the door. "You rotting skeever! This'll teach you to touch [i]my[/i] cheese!" the voice shouted. The man who had traveled across this land, and to this very door lifted his hand and gave 3 consecutive knocks. "What do you want now Dervenin, you effervescent eye sore!" the voice from inside shouted, as thuds were heard getting closer to the door until the door swung wide open where stood a man dressed in colorful, and quite dashing garb. "You're not Dervenin, but I like the way you present yourself haha! I love the hat, but enough chit chat. Oh, I'm a poet and I didn't even realize until now. We're getting off topic here, who are you, and how did you get here, and what makes you think you can interupt this very special performance by my new skeever friend?! Well answer up or you'll be joining Joffery in his play." the man spouted. "My name is Cadwell, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm terribly sorry to intrude, I was simply wandering around and saw a very alluring portal. I couldn't resist and walked through to see where it would take me. May I ask where I have happened upon it is quite beautiful if I do say so myself, and this manse is quite esquisite. Also who do I have the pleasure of addressing?" Cadwell said with a tip of his hat "Cadwell you absolute mad man! What if you walked into that portal and it led into the middle of Gabriel and stuck you in rocks for eternity. Luckily for you that portal lead to my home here in the shimmering isles. That basket head Dervenin must have left it open. I'll be sure that doesn't happen again... As for me. you can call me daisy; if you like having your entrails removed and used to string you up like a puppet. But if that's not your cup of tea, or milk, or boiling lava! Well then you can call me Sheogorath, daedric Prince of madness. Charmed." the Prince of madness said to the mad man Cadwell. Now if you don't mind I'm missing my show, would you like to watch?" the Prince of madness asked the mad man Cadwell. He turned and walked inside, taking a seat at a table in the middle of the room. "Sheogorath! Well it is good to meet you. I do think I'll join you for your show. Do tell, how do you get a skeever act for you?" Cadwell asked as he followed behind Sheogorath. But before the Daedric Prince could answer, he saw the answer for himself. There was a skeever being controlled like a puppet using it's own entrails. "My god man." "What? Don't you like my play, well if you don't lie it you can get off of my island!" Sheogorath shouted. "No, no you have me all wrong. I find it clever, very artistic. I can already see the plot of this play. The poor fellow, left by his wife for a horker." Cadwell observed. When Sheogorath heard his words, his face lit up. "Caddy! You've just earned yourself the highest of honors on my isles. Would you like some nice cheese, aged for eternity?" Sheogorath said, enthusiastically grabbing a platter with a variety of cheeses on it and extending it to Cadwell. "Cheese aged for eternity? My favorite! There really is no better cheese then eternity cheese" Cadwell said, grabbing a piece of cheese of the plate and throwing it into his mouth. "Mm! Amazing Sheogorath." "Why thank you, I don't give my cheese to just anybody. Come have a seat Caddy and enjoy the play. Or don't this skeever is a terrible actor, not nearly enough emotion. That's why I prefer mortals, they're full of those crazy things, overflowing with them even." Sheogorath commented. "Yes you are quite right this skeever is going to go nowhere with this kind of acting. Next thing you know he'll be out in the back alleys selling himself for skooma" Cadwell said as he took a seat next to the mad Prince. "On a side note, I must know, are your jammies as mad as everyone says they are?" "Ha! Madder even!" Sheogorath have a loud whistle and the skeever stopped it's movement and just dangled there, a still puppet. Then suddenly out of a nearby door came running in a pair of pink pajamas like a wild man. The head hole encased the skeever and the jammies appeared to be eating it in a ravenous matter. "Look at them, a hurling image of myself. Or is it spitting?" at that moment the pajamas spit out the bones of the skeever it had just devoured. "Yup it's hurling alright!" "By God's they are as mad as I imagined them to be. Mad as a camel in Skyrim! I'm learning all sorts of new things recently. Like did you know in Tamriel, fire is actually warm? It was quite a surprise after being in coldharbour for so long where the fire is colder than ice" Cadwell said "You come from coldharbour?! How in oblivion did you get out?! No, let me guess. You made a deal with Molag Bal to sabotage me and eat my cheese! I'll have your brains frozen for my desert!" Sheogorath exclaimed, quickly jumping to conclusions. "Calm your jammies Sheogorath" at this, Sheogorath gave a whistle and his jammies stood straight. "You heard the man, calm yourself! Now let's hear what he has to say" Sheogorath said to his own pajamas. "Thank you" Cadwell said directing it at the jammies as well. "As I was saying, some soulless lad was blundering through coldharbour looking for a way out, looking for the one they call the prophet down there. He came back one day and invited me to come out into tamriel with him. Now he's off questing about trying to stop Molag Val and what not, I hear he's joined the mages guild as well." Cadwell explained. "He just came through here! I'm having a bit of fun with him right now, I think next I'll have him put on a grand ol' play! He's after these tomes for old Shalidor, he wants to steal his island back but he isn't going to get it, not by the hairs on my back!" Sheogorath exclaimed as he stood from his chair. "You've been wonderful company Cadwell but I have to set up the stage for our hero's next act. I'll tell you what, I've grown quite fond of that hat of yours, it could go lovely with some cheese in it. Let me have your hat and you can have my mad pink jammies eh, what do you say to that?" Sheogorath offered the mad man. "As much as I would love to have your jammies, I can't leave my hat. We've been through too much together. Why this here cap saved me once or twice in coldharbour. Well quite a few times but surely you understand." Cadwell explained. "I know exactly what you mean! Why for the longest time I lost my dearest forky. I looked all over these isles for him, then than hero of yours found him in skyrim and brought him back. I'll never separate myself from forky again. Go on and have the jammies I don't wear them anyways. I'll give you a portal back to Tamriel and you and my mad jammies can be on your way. But do please visit again soon, you've been amazing company, better than any mortal you mad man. Now go on before I carve you into a sculpture!" Sheogorath said as he opened up a portal into Tamriel. "Thank you Sheogorath, your company was most pleasurable. I will look for a way to return, you seem to be the only one who makes any sense around here lately. Good bye Prince of Madness" Cadwel said as he stepped towards the portal. "Good day!" Sheogorath said pushing him through the portal. When Cadwell appeared on the other side he was on the top of a mountain in skyrim. "Well... This should make for a pleasant walk. Let's go Jammies" Cadwell said, stepping down the path down the mountain as his new jammies followed closely behind.