[quote=@Flamelord] And, here we go. [hider=Faris Scherwiz - Final Fantasy 5] [center][color=6A5ACD][h1]Faris Scherwiz[/h1][b]Final Fantasy V[/b][/color] [sup][b][i]"Trying to steal my ship, are you? You've a lot of brass... ...or mayhap you're just lacking in brains! I'd wager it's the latter."[/i][/b][/sup] [hr][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5zb4vzQGk1rrj7nb.jpg[/img][/center][hr] [color=6A5ACD][b]MEMORIA[/b][/color] [indent]The daughter of King Alexander Highwind Tycoon, Sarisa was lost at sea as a young girl. Rather than drowning though, she was found by pirates who named her 'Faris', and who raised her as a boy for her entire life, and she served as a pirate, fighting, learning, and growing up with them, with no idea of her real heritage and birthright. Then when she was fifteen the ship she was on encountered a mysterious whirlpool. Diving in, Faris emerged with Syldra, a sea dragon whom she formed a bond with and who helped them escape. Because of this she was made Captain, with her ship able to go anywhere regardless of the winds. Some time after the winds died, Faris found three adventurers trying to steal her ship. Capturing them, she initially considered holding Princess Lenna for ransom, but changed her mind after seeing the Princess had an identical pendant to her. Together they went to the Wind Shrine, where Faris was branded a Warrior of Light and told to protect the Crystals of the World. She agreed to do this, but was unable to stop the destruction of the Four Crystals in their world, and lost Syldra in the process, though she did gain a sister in Lenna. Following Galuf back to his world, Faris and the others were captured, though they were soon rescued and helped to fight Exdeath, losing Galuf in the process but eventually defeating Exdeath. It didn't stop him from shattering the remaining crystals though, merging the worlds together. Returning to Tycoon she was celebrated as the Princess returned, but snuck off to help the others, avoiding getting absorbed by the Void in the process. Together they head into the Clef of Dimensions, defeat Exdeath, restore the Crystals, and return the world to peace. While initially ruling alongside Lenna as Queen, Faris soon gave up that life and returned to being a pirate, sailing the seas and taking care of her crew.[/indent] [color=6A5ACD][b]PARTNER[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Moogle - Mojito][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/f/f6/FFIX-Moogle_Concept1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130331052554[/img][/hider][/indent] [color=6A5ACD][b]INVENTORY[/b][/color] [list][*][hider=Weapons] [list][*][b]Dagger[/b] [i]Initial weapon[/i][/list] [/hider][/list] [list][*][hider=Jobs] [list][*][b]Freelancer[/b] [i]The Jack of all trades, the Freelancer is the default starting Job. Unremarkable on it's own, it has the advantage of being able to pick abilities from other Jobs[/i][/list] [/hider][/list] [color=6A5ACD][b]JOURNAL[/b][/color] [list][*][hider=Character Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8axiF5egfk[/youtube][/hider] [*]The character sprites have her hair as purple, but official artowrk has it as blond. So blond it is. [/list] [color=6A5ACD][b]VISION[/b][/color] [indent]Sarisa is a woman stuck between two worlds. On the one hand she is the Queen of Tycoon, the long lost royal with a loving sister, but it is a place where she doesn't feel comfortable and doesn't feel free. On the other hand she is a pirate, where she has grown up so long as she can remember. Yet this is the easy choice, the comfortable one, and even then she sill has to hide things from the rest of her crew (like her real gender, regardless of how androgynous she seems to be) My hope is to give her an outside perspective on her own identity, to decide the sort of person that she truly wants to be, or to try and find a middle ground between the two.[/indent][/hider] [/quote] [img]http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/64/64f9a77bd3b192595842afd92d5f8b3c40b98b489a18ee7d2dc62cbe5fb8361f.jpg[/img] [sub](No I'm not meme-obsessed but I just thought it's more interesting than saying plain ol' "approved" yeah)[/sub] [hr] [b]@Everyone[/b] Anyway, now that the party is complete, application is closed - I won't be accepting anymore players, sorry. Time to start the adventure guys! Just a quick reminder: [list][*]All characters will be close to each other in the same location. [*]Your character will hear two things before waking up: your Moogle's frantic voice, and also the speech by "The Voice" as stated in the opening IC post. [*]Your character has nothing on them except for the clothes they wear and their initial/basic weapon. [*]Your Moogle partner is a NPC that you'll control yourself. [*]Some time will be given to all players to get their bearings before the first plot hint will be PMed to a player chosen randomly.[/list]