[hider=Sekhmet le cute cat][color=8dc73f]Full Name:[/color]Sekhmet [color=8dc73f]Nickname:[/color]She who Mauls, Mistress of Dread, One Before whom Evil Trembles, Lady of Slaughter, She who is Powerful, etc [color=8dc73f]Age:[/color]N/A [color=8dc73f]Gender:[/color]Female [color=8dc73f]Race:[/color]God [color=8dc73f]Pantheon:[/color]Egyptian [color=8dc73f]Weapon(s):[/color]Anything and everything she can get her hands on. [color=8dc73f]Powers:[/color] She has dominion over fire, war, dance, love, and medicine. However she excels quite a lot in fire, war and medicine. [color=8dc73f]Appearance:[/color] [hider=appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/mjEvjU5.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=8dc73f]Likes:[/color]Booze, killing, blood, murder, mauling, love, festivals, massacres, [color=8dc73f]Dislikes:[/color]Cowards, those she deems as evil, idiocy, boredom, those who break the Ma'at [color=8dc73f]Strengths:[/color] Murdering fools, fighting, killing, using fire, using fire to kill fools, is a cat, treating wounds, leading pharaohs, and fire murdering fools. [color=8dc73f]Weaknesses:[/color]Very large bloodlust, prone to going crazy at times, loves blood, is a cat. [color=8dc73f]Quirks:[/color] Is a cat. How much more quirky one can get without being a cat? [color=8dc73f]Fears:[/color]Cat fears. Mostly being stuck doing nothing, or having nothing to sate her bloodlust with. Or worst of all, no festivals to celebrate with booze. [color=8dc73f]Ambition:[/color] She's a cat god. She's pretty much content with her lot. She could always use more wars for more bloodshed though. [color=8dc73f]Personality:[/color]Fiery, boisterous, and loves to celebrate pretty much anything, she is nonetheless one of the more violent of the Egyptian gods, as well as being one of the more powerful. Once mired in bloodlust, it can take quite a bit to get her to calm down. [color=8dc73f]Father:[/color]Ra/Horus [color=8dc73f]Mother:[/color]Hathor [color=8dc73f]Siblings:[/color]Hathor, Bast, Serket, Tefnut and Shu [color=8dc73f]Pets:[/color] Several lions [color=8dc73f]History:[/color] Can be known as the Eye of Ra, when Ra saw the humans were acting up and conspiring against him, and sent her to kill them all. However, halfway through, the bloodbath that resulted caused him to repent, and sent an order to Sekhmet to stop killing the humans. Unfortunately she was deep in her bloodlust, and was having a blast killing people. She would have gone on to murder the entirety of the human race if not for the blood red alcohol that was offered to her. Thinking it was blood, she drank deep of it, and after several drinks fell asleep. She woke up with her bloodlust forgotten, so she went back to Ra and bothered him instead.[/hider]