[@RaeoftheLight] The creature sliced open as expected, maybe even a little easier. It showed no signs of evasion or even pain then after. It's innards didn't look living at all, more solid like a really large vine. Something wasn't right... It was even more prevalent when everything below the clean cut simply fell away lifeless to the floor. Meanwhile everything above the cut dangles in the air suspended by the metallic band wrapped around it. The monster was not a monster at all. These strange silver bands merely manipulated the giant lifeless tendrils. But who manipulated the bands? Azerus had seemingly come to the same conclusion. After the last tendril struck the ground he had gripped it as it flung him into the air. The tendrils with no sense of touch didn't notice as he ran and jumped along them. He soon discovered the bands were tough and could not be broken without the use of magic. His arm lights up and he attacks the band he was standing upon. As before the tendril falls lifeless beneath him. At the same time two of the others react to the light and swipe at him. He continues to jump and bounce off them while throwing back his own attacks. He is kept busy by the two tendrils attacking him and doesn't notice the other one, along with the floating one, heading up deeper into the town. Destroying Everything in their path. What ever it was it seemed angry now and set on punishing the town.