[b]Name:[/b] Greg Wilson [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://bamfstyle.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/oe1-rrcrm-med1-e1355757890835.jpg[/img][/center] [b]History:[/b] Eagle Scout. Straight A's. Big plans and even bigger paychecks. With God on his side Greg thought he had a life of virtuousness and regalia in the bag. It wasn't long after his college graduation that he landed a cushy, high-paying job at an upstart firm for an exuberant amount of cash. Ready to live his pure and peaceful life, Greg moved to Cali and bought an apartment. All he needed was a wife and 2 kids and he was living the dream, but as it turns out Greg didn't a normal life. He had told himself his whole life that God and goodwill were the ways of the world but with a 90k sign on bonus and a bonafide truckload of cocaine his outlook on life started to change. Drugs and women were worth sinning for, and you bet your ass that Greg learned to sin. He committed his first murder after an "escort" threatened to expose him. One whack to the head with a humanitarian award and the lights went out for Sunflower. He buried his gold cross necklace in her unmarked grave and decided that maybe God wouldn't want him around anyway, so why bother trying to be good? It started out small, lunches from the employee fridge at the firm. Greg found a new high theat cocaine couldn't even match: theft. The rush he got when stealing was second to none, even giving cocaine a run for its money as he moved on to riskier, more exhilarating jobs. Greg made plans to rob a convenience store. It wasn't the money he was after, it was the unmistakable rush of adrenaline that kept him on edge. He approached the counter, sawed-off in hand, and demanded everything in the register. As it turns out the old black woman behind the counter was packing, and she was a much, much faster shot. Running out of the store with a bullet in his shoulder and blood on his brand new Armani suit, Greg decided he needed help. He knew he wasn't much of a career criminal, and if he wanted to keep his high going he was going to need people who knew the game better than he did. That's where the Syndicate came into play. [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*] Charisma [*] Architectural Knowledge [*] Computer Expert [*] Hand-to-Hand Combat (Greg has a strange preference when it comes to axes) [*] "A good shot" (but only with a shotgun) [*] Psychotic [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b][list] [*] Is a terrible shot with most guns [*] Has a public image he doesn't want tarnished [*] Is very gullible [/list] [b]Vices:[/b][list] [*] Cocaine Addiction [/list] [b]Occupation:[/b] Works at the new-age architecture firm "NewPlan", a start-up that focuses on building custom, state of the art mansions for the world's elite. Greg is a team supervisor which gives him very flexible hours and a great Christmas bonus. [b]Theme Song:[/b] https://youtu.be/IPkvIDpBgPM