[color=#A68064][b]Names:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Amid and Kadir Karzai[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Ages:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]25[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Genders:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Male[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Species:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Humans[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Ranks:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Hunters[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Personalities:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Amid and Kadir are twins. They have been together their whole lives, and, for the most part, they were all each other ever had. As such, their personalities are very similar; they both have similar interest and goals. They're both young and eager to do something that they think matters. However, the brothers vary in their own little ways. Amid take up the role of big brother. Possibly the smarter of the two, he takes pride in his ability to form strategies and plans. He has a certain foresight that his 'baby' brother lacks. Amid is less likely to take a risk, and more likely to sit back and think things through. He's often the cooler headed one of the two. He's a bit less emotional than his brother. Kadir is the reckless one. Although not [i]stupid[/i] reckless. He knows that, from watching his brother, strategy pays off. But while his brother plans, Kadir paces. He's a bit on the hyper active side, always wanting to move and do something. Sometimes, this comes as an advantage. Kadir can stay up all night and take watch on hunts while his brother sleeps, and then catnap throughout the day with no ill effects. He can sit down and focus on one task, such as cleaning their guns or mapping the city, and be done in half the time it would take his brother. Kadir is always on his toes; a fast thinker. [/color] [color=#A68064][b]Other:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]The Karzai twins were born in Afghanistan. Both are multilingual due to their travels.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Equipment and weapons:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Amid was adamant that they invest in at least [i]some[/i] creature hunting gadgets, but for the most part, they live on a budget. Both brothers own rifles and proper ammo (lead and silver), and both have their knife collections, but that was the cheaper stuff. They recently bought a magic version of a cutie pie device that detects the trace levels of "magic" that all inhumans admit. Areas that they frequent will have higher levels. The only problem with this is that, when near witches, the device goes haywire. The merchant forgot to mention that when the brothers bought it. Kadir bought a stake gun specifically for killing vampires, which Amid thought was a dumb ass idea. Amid has a silver coated knife, and Kadir had one with a diamond edge. Both were incredibly expensive, leaving the brother's recent sphinx hunting money drained.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]Amid and Kadir are identical twins, but it's easy enough to tell them apart. Both are of Arab nationality, which tan skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. They're both around 5'10" and have lean muscular builds. [url=http://orig02.deviantart.net/a374/f/2007/105/f/5/roxefe_by_nasser.jpg]Amid[/url] has a small scar on his left cheek, and wears his hair shorter than his brother. His style is casual: button up shirts and slacks. [url=http://img06.deviantart.net/3fba/i/2007/258/b/2/sleepless_2_by_nasser.jpg]Kadir[/url] has longer hair. He dressed a bit more sloppy, preferring t-shirts and jeans, and sometime sweatpants.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=#FFF5EE]The brothers were born in a small village in Afghanistan. As children, they played in the streets, never once feeling unsafe. This changed when a group of men came into town one day. The boys were about 13, and they didn't understand much about politics yet. The men demanded food and supplies, but the villagers refused to help them. Their mother told the boys that these men were bad; they killed people for power and wanted to overthrow the government. Because the village refused to give in to their demands, the men demolished it. They shot people in the streets, burned houses, and raided and looted all they could. The boys' mother gave them each a backpack with food and water and told them to run and hide in the desert until things had calmed down. They did just that, but when they returned, there was nothing left. Amid and Kadir were left alone. Those who had managed to survive the attack were too busy with their griefs to bother with the boys. So the two set off into the desert to head to the nearest city. They hoped to find work there, and maybe pick up the shambles of their lives. It was during this journey that they first saw a mythical beast. It was part lion, part bird, and had the head of a woman. It terrified the two boys, who hid from it. When they got to the city, they tried to tell people of the creatures lurking out in the desert. Their claims were brushed off by everyone except for one man, who took them aside and told them that what they saw was a sphinx. Part woman, part lion, and part bird, the sphinxes of the desert were vicious beasts. They would stop travelers and give them a riddle. If the traveler couldn't answer the riddle, they were eaten. The man explained that he and a few others hunted these beasts, and that there was good money in selling their parts on the black market. So of course, the two young brothers wanted in. The man took them to his comrades, who agreed to help train the boys. It wasn't terribly unusual to see boys so young fighting in wars, so why not fight creatures? Amid and Kadir hunted sphinxes for years, traveling all around the middle east and eventually into Asia. This opened a new world of creatures to them. They hunted kappas and dragons, and all sorts of other critters. Eventually, they found their way into Europe, where vampires were the ruling beast. They found that it was trickier to hunt sentient beings, but they were regarded as heroes for killing the monsters. The small towns plagued by the beasts would often reward the brother heavily for their efforts. Eventually, they caught wind of the turmoil in New York. They caught a private flight overseas and began setting up shop. However, the diversity of the inhumans in New York wasn't what they expected. The brothers joined the hunting guild so that they could learn about the local creatures. [/color]