[hider=Sutekh, Lord of the Red lands.] Full Name: Set, Seth, or Sutekh Nickname: (Doesn't care much for Nicknames, but the name Seth counts) Age: OTTI(Older Than Time Itself) (True age is incalculable, as he was Born before the Dawn of Time.) Gender: Male Race: God. Pantheon: Egyptian. Weapon(s): Scepters Kopesh' spears and his favorite weapons, Storms and the stupidity of his foes. Powers: Weather, Sands, Violence, Disorder, Darkness, and Godly Powers. Appearance: Dual Appearances, Either and Egyptian man with dark hair and kind features, in plain mantles and clothes, or the same man with sharper features and Red hair, and typically wearing a Red mantle. These appearances strike the differences in his mood and Hostility towards a person. Likes: Battle, Violence, Friends, Sand- Lots of Sand. Dislikes: Snakes, Scorpions, Apep, Imposters (Mainly Ares). Strengths: Has an extremely extended power list- like most Egyptian gods, and is known to over power and overwhelm other Egyptian gods- both Friend and Foe alike. Weaknesses: Despite having a lengthy list of powers and abilities this marks him as a "Trickster God" Akin to the likes of Loki, meaning he has Great power- But not as much as he COULD have, and not as Masterful as he could Be. Quirks: Tends to be Chaotic in nature- hard to predict. Fears: The loss of Existence around him- he fears the void or never ending nothingness. Ambition: To protect his friends- and to Destroy the imposters who dare steal his titles, such as "God of War" Personality: Complicated, mysterious, Generally very kind and gentle unless in a bad mood, in which he becomes very vile and violent. Father: Ra Mother: Children: Anubis, Bes'eshe Siblings: Osiris, Isis, Nyphthys Pets: (none) History: (Uhhhh. . . Good luck with that. Just saying but with Set, And other Egyptian gods- That's a [i]looooong[/i] twisty road nobody wants the full story for, so ill be nice and summarize. . .) Worshiped as the equal to Ra, and treated as his counter part- As Set is the Lord of the Red Lands, Deserts, Ra is lord over the Black Lands, the fertile Soils around the Nile and its many branches. He is considered the Defeater of Apep, the the god to disfigure Osiris, and generally overall a bipolar God. Set is also seen as a god of Evil and a necessary part of life- despite his vile and violent quirks, he is generally seen as protective, and almost Defensive when it comes to his fellow gods and goddess, despite the numerous passes he's made on a few- Both in a violent manner and in less decent manners. His primary targets for his passes are Isis and Horus, whom he attempts to assault both violently and indecently- Horus whom he succeeds with several times in indecent manners- obviously causing strain with his 'friends'. over all Set is considered a god who achieves what he desires- be it his nephew, or the death of another, and is a god to be Truly Feared, Even by other major gods, unlike other 'trickster gods'. (As a Side note, there is the fact that Set is considered the God of Foreigners- but we aren't going to get into that because that has some complicated meanings.) Relationships: Osiris: 'Friend' Horus: Foe, (Considers Horus his little Toy whenever he can get away with it) Nyphthys: His sister-wife. (She allows him to have concubines, so its a very open couple. . . Poor Horus.) Ra: Set is protective of Ra, and generally strives to Help Ra. This doesn't mean they don't have moments they don't get along. . . Anubis: Set's son is Anubis- and while Set can be a pain, Anubis well... Anubis is The Judge of the Living and Dying. He is unbiased on the matter of Set- and likely doesn't Care. [/hider]