[center][h3][color=39b54a]Liam[/color]&[color=00aeef]Matt[/color][/h3][/center] "[color=00aeef]A few people within this city have been given the powers of champions of League,[/color]" He started in right away, sitting back in his chair now, both hands resting on the arm-rests, "[color=00aeef]How or why are unknown, but I'm positive we're not the only ones.[/color]" His gaze focused even more strongly on the duo, "[color=00aeef]Two people have lost their lives since yesterday. It's safe to say some people are flexing their muscles with their new-found powers, and we aim to at least deter that. All that we're asking is that you assist us in whatever why you can, and we can offer the same in return. If not, simply don't act out against our interest.[/color]" For a moment, he pause, glancing off in thought, "[color=00aeef]Seems that most want to refrain until people begin to abuse their powers. Granted I'd rather seek them out before they cause any more damage...[/color]" With that he'd fall silent for a moment before sighing, glancing between the two. "S[color=00aeef]o, there you have it. The assembly was merely gathering those with powers we knew of to hopefully gain their support. And to show our good faith in the matter, I'm offering my place as a safe haven.[/color]" Matt blinks a moment as he looks about the room, "[color=00aeef]May seem like a silly thing to offer, but we'll do what we can.[/color]" At this point, his attention returns to the duo, "[color=00aeef]But that is all. I'll answer any questions you have later, but I'll be heading out shortly on patrol.[/color]" Down the hall, Liam made his way slowly to the elevator. In truth, he was stalling for time, waiting for Sam and Clarice to catch up with him. Exactly why, he didn't know, but that didn't deter him from standing idle at the elevator with door open. It was then her heard Sam chime in behind him, "[color=a0410d]Hey! Liam, guess what?[/color]". "[color=39b54a]I can only imagine.[/color]" Liam said, looking behind him with a subtle smirk. "[color=a0410d]I'm [i]totally[/i] wearing your underwear. Hope you don't mind.[/color]" "[color=39b54a]I- Wh-[/color]" Liam's face instantly flushed with red as he looked at her somewhat bewildered. If her words alone weren't enough, her tone set caused his blush to only become more severe. His eyes instantly broke from her form as he attempted to clear his throat and calm himself, "[color=39b54a]Making a habit out of messing with me?[/color]" Liam chuckled, though his gaze never returned to her, "[color=39b54a]It's fine. You hang onto that pair.[/color]" With that he'd step forward through the elevator's open doors before reaching over and pressing a button. He'd stick a foot out as the elevator's doors began to close, motioning with his head for her to follow. [hr] [h3][center]????[/center][/h3] As Garrett destroyed his old phone in a savage manner, the girl continued to cringe and recoil. Slowly she began advancing her way to the back of the room as a look of panic began to creep upon her visage. As Garret focused upon her, her panic grew exponentially- though her gaze never focused on Garret. Instead, her eyes continued to flicker about the room as she began speaking out in a terrified tone as tears rolled down her cheeks. "No! No, no, no, no... Not again!" She cringed as she buckled, practically falling onto her knees as she fought to recover, "Please! I'll be fine! I swear! No one else has to-" She practically screamed at this point her hands fold inwards to hug her shoulders. From hear on, her voice became distorted as she spoke, as if someone was speaking over her own words, "No more blood, no more death. I've seen enough! You can't just kill everyone who disagrees or threatens you!" Suddenly her entire tone changed, a sadistic and malevolent speaker now consumed her voice as his vision locked onto Garret, "He's hungry for blood! It can't be helped. If he's hungry, I'll feed him his own till he can feast no more!" With a cackling laughter the girl stood erect, though the observant eye could see her form bloating and expanding. Slowly at first, then the expansion grew more rapid as she began stepping forward, her ballooning mass continuing to swell to the point that one might've burst, "I've got a joke for you, hungry one! What is the last joke that a dead man hears?" At this point, a sickening stretching sound could be heard as an audible pop resounds within the room. At one point, a severly bloated female stood in front of the man named Garret, the next- her form erupted in a curtain of daggers. The spread was wide, looking to encompass the entire room as her body fell flat and lifeless onto the floor... Or rather, what now appeared to be a doll or dummy that now lay upon the floor, flayed and empty. [hr] [h3][center]The next day...[/center][/h3] The night was silent and uneventful, no new corpses had been discovered; no new menace unveiled. However, one thing did disturb the night.... Every champion that fell to sleep was greeted by the same dream. They stood upon the familiar field of justice by the nexus they had come to know. Everywhere they looked they saw no one else, even as they looked down they saw the body of their champion. It seemed they were now fully converted to their embodied persona upon the map of where they played many times before. Even if they roamed around the map, it remained empty and silent no matter how hard they searched. No minions, no champions, no jungle creatures, nothing was there... It was at this time a voice spoke. However, not around them... Inside their minds. "Puppets. Long have you answered to unseen summoners and bent unknowingly to their will. I offer you now, a chance to rebel against those who have imprisoned you! Made you feel death at the hands of your enemies, only to be reborn and to suffer the same infinite fate. Come brothers! Now is the time to feel true freedom, and strike back at those who forced you to suffer!" At this point, their vision was turned to the sky, laying eyes upon a massive rift that expanded the entirety of the field. Slowly, the champions lost their footing and drifted up towards the rift. No matter how hard they fought, they continued to climb upwards toward the swirling vortex, until blackness had taken over. The dream is now over, the sunlight barely breaking through windows. Though, it was odd... Normally the morning would be consumed by the sounds of the endless masses moving about the city. Today was much the same, but with the cawing of crows providing an undertone. Everyone who looked outside saw crows, those who turned on their TVs saw news reports of a massive murder of crows having settled in the area. Even bulletins online were commenting on the odd occurrence within the city. At this point everyone who exchanged numbers would receive the message on their phones. [i][color=00aeef]Looks like Noxious is on the move.[/color][/i] [hr][hr] [@Kiroue][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@TheWinchester4][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@Adalrod][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img] [@Eklispe][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@rivaan][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@Zelosse][img]http://i.imgur.com/PUJNJO5.gif[/img] [@Cubix][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@VKAllen][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img] [@DFA][img]http://i.imgur.com/045frOG.gif[/img]