[b]Name:[/b] Jurgen Lagram [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Jurgen Lagram] [img]http://assets.rollingstone.com/assets/2015/article/mr-robot-meet-the-shows-breakout-star-rami-malek-20150826/207160/medium_rect/1440596020/720x405-GettyImages-483771118.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] Jurgen was not the most social of people. When growing up he had trouble making friends, mostly because he seemed quite happy just on his own. Reading comic books or watching cartoons. Initially it seemed like a concern. Anti-social behavior in these times is greatly frowned upon. However, Jurgen seemed to pull through. He got a few good friends and enjoyed their company from time to time. In Highschool he started programming together with 3 other people. This is where Jurgen discovered his talent. It wasn't so much as programming as it was problem solving. Jurgen's brain seemed to keep thinking about everything non-stop. He got ideas, developed them and even tested them before he put them on paper. As a result, his programs were rather failproof. As programmer, Jurgen was expected to earn a fair amount of money. However he is rather greedy. When he gets a grand he wants two. Soon he realized that any legal way to gain money was rigged. If he earned 1.500 his boss got 15.000 and he did not like that. So he counter rigged the game. He installed several backdoors in the accountancy program the company he worked for developed. Sadly he was caught. To keep the thrust of the customers he was forced to quite his job, or face jailtime. Most of his work was removed. Most, but not all. To this day he can access several firms' network through the program. The idea of an illegal hack suited him. On the Deepnet he found a wealth of information on all matter of subjects. The Syndicate recruited him through that way. [b]Skills:[/b] - Expert hacker (not the matrix way) - Programmer - Clever - Psychopath - Strategist/planner - Learned a great deal from the internet (even some explosive recipes) [b]Flaws:[/b] - Not the smoothest of talkers - Psychopath - Not really trustworthy - Was never in a fight - Can't handle guns - Can't handle knives [b]Vices:[/b] - Is looked down on by Knox Inc. The company he used to work for. - Insomniac [b]Occupation:[/b] Hacker/Jobless [b]Theme Song:[/b] Will add later It may look now that he's deeply flawed but his cleverness will most likely be his strongest point and should not be underestimated.