[center][img]http://img.csfd.cz/files/images/user/profile/159/492/159492524_595922.gif[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ara Branning [b]Age:[/b] Twenty four years old [24] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://may0osh.tumblr.com/post/109028612432/keira-knightley-gif-hunt-under-the-cut-you]Keira Knightley[/url] [center][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/52f779760f12c0ba08603d78e858e6ba/tumblr_n67523sw6O1qicibqo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hider=description]A true beauty with sharp and striking features, Ara can go far with her looks alone if she intended to. Dark mahogany hair often frames her features, the mark pity of the time remaining messy and unkept yet still presentable. Her dark brown eyes appear almost black in some lights, and, to some people, lighten depending on what mood she's in. Her complexion is a mix of olive and fair tone, a rosy glow illumintating her cheeks most of the time. The style of her attire varies depending on what she'll be doing that day, but largely consists of the causal jeans and t-shirt combinations. [/hider] [b]History:[/b] Ara was brought up as an only child by an abusive, drunken father after her mother died during child birth. She spent the majority of her childhood alone until she started wandering around the streets and getting involved with the 'wrong people'. She would steal small things from people's pockets or purses and, one time, managed to retrieve a credit card along with its bank details on a single peice of paper. After a short while of hesitation, at the time, the twelve year old started using the card and spent over £4 million in England on junk and pointless things she found interesting before she was caught. Lashing out at the first police officer, the young girl of merely thirteen stabbed the man arresting her and attempted an escape, succeeding for the time being. Since then, she has been moving around a lot and only making a few connections wherever she goes. She would pick up any job she possibly could, but had one skill in particular that seemed to outshine the rest, landing her a few decent-paying jobs as a florist. Unfortunately, she'd never fully be able to settle down and start a life before being discovered once more. That's where the Syndicate came in, promising her a better life and protection. And, of course, she believed them. [b]Skills:[/b] • Skills of persuasion • Charisma • Decent runner • Skilful with a knife • Can ignore emotions • Relatively tough, so can take a few blows • Uses the fact she is a woman to her advantage • Good singer • Artistic • Can figure out people's weaknesses easily [b]Flaws:[/b] • Thinks primarily of herself • Is prone to running away • Her yearning to start a new life can often get in the way [b]Vices:[/b] Write your character's vices here. [b]Occupation:[/b] Florist [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=http://youtu.be/_eWDZqc7lCc]Beautiful Disaster by Jon McLaughlin[/url] [center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/b99ada1d299207b81f587c38cb1a53fd/tumblr_n0lvmr5uo31sfij7lo1_500.gif[/img][/center]