The End Is Near..... so to celebrate we might as well get this thing moving along. Shall we start with some basic story ideas before character sheets? If so, the first thing I can think of is determining the importance of the youkai in the everyday lives of people in this RP. Do people know about them and believe in them; or are they considered as myths and rumors? Do they have the same importance as the gods that the Egyptians would normally worship? If they are known about; then there could be scenarios where others begin to suspect that the prince is being aided by a youkai - possibly leading to some very bad or very good outcomes, depending. If not, then what would others believe would be the cause of such a transformation- one of their gods perhaps? If the gods are showing favor to this youngest prince, would there be any political consequences to the older siblings because of this? Possibly most important; what would the actual current pharaoh have to say about this change in the typical social structure? Yeah, just some starting questions to start getting prepared for this.