[center][h3]Frenzy Plant[/h3][/center] More than thirty souls watched, eyes wide open and breath bated, as the battle began. No soldier could avert his or her eyes at the prospect of Frenzy Plant fighting Phoenix Wing once again. Though Damian was as famous as he now was infamous to the warrior guild, the swordsmages Joshua Tamashii and Nolan Waltz came not far behind. Nolan, especially, commanded a fearsome reputation. Yesterday's event pitted him against Indigo Afina herself, and though the circumstance of the battle did not allow either one to defeat the other, their skirmish ended with Nolan's advantage. To Phoenix Wing, it would be obvious that the soldiers of Frenzy Plant thought Nolan to be just as ruthless a fighter as Damian, albeit honorable enough to, paradoxically, not attempt to disguise his cruelty with a veneer of honor. Zander took the field with an array of weapons and a smorgasbord of fighting experience, while the monstrous Dullahan Xyster hid a huge and deadly bag of tricks. True to their reputations, Phoenix Wing's swordsmages put up a challenge, but they lacked something their enemies had in spades: camaraderie. The moment is became clear that Nolan and Joshua would not work together was the moment that most Frenzy Plant soldiers knew that victory would be theirs. Only a few of them dared to utter their assurances of triumph, however; most merely waited, and observed. [center][color=007FFF][h3]Indigo Afina - Frenzy Plant Stands[/h3][/color] [@lunarlors34][/center] A little laugh issued from Indigo following Ashlyn's request. The sorceress rested her head in her hand and that arm in the crook of her other arm's elbow, regarding the young lady before her pensively. While nothing physical in her eyes have the slightest indication of anything unusual -they were not even a very bright shade of blue- they pored over Ashlyn as if she were a fascinating tome. Few people not hardened by some trauma or another could stand beneath her analytic stare and not feel the pricks of discomfort, for even without an ounce of magic those lightly glinting eyes seemed capable of revealing one's innermost secrets. After a short while, she did break, but only to turn her attention to the events currently unfolding in the arena. For years Indigo called Zander her comrade, and fought alongside him on numerous occasions, yet she never grew bored of watching him fight. Among swordsmen, the wary, worldly warrior reigned as a champion. If Indigo presided over a library of books, Zander owned a library of technique. Only his soldier's honor, particularly his concern and desire to work with allies, prevented his vast skill from overwhelming the battlefield. As she watched, Indigo answered Ashlyn. [color=007FFF]”Combat is what we are known for. If you want to fight, you will receive ample opportunity. I can see a young, fiery intensity in you, but I do not think you are a blind aggressor, either. Tell me: could you turn the other cheek to someone who threw a rock at you? Could you watch a friend die but stand as still as a statue? Would you submit yourself, body and mind, to the authority of a general?”[/color] When she turned to look at Ashlyn, her face held intensity as well. No longer did she look like the gorgeous librarian; she called to mind a lady of war. [color=007FFF]”Any two-bit thug can fight. It takes a certain kind of person to be able to do unimaginable violence but to be still. There will be sparring, for certain. If you aren't beaten immediately, we will find a way to beat you, then beat you down until you can overcome. Frenzy Plant is not a fight club. It is an army. We hold ourselves to a higher standard of conduct than ordinary wizard guilds, and that is why we are the most powerful. Is this the kind of life you want, miss?”[/color] [center][color=d8bfd8][h3]Nero the Genie – Colosseum Stands[/h3][/color][@liferusher][@oblivion666][@joshua tamashii][/center] Having retreat from the confrontation with Elizabeth the Insane, and avoided her following him, Nero made his way at a chipper pace to the spot where he left Ayame and Eve. Sitting to his smallest companion's left, he reclined to the best of his ability. While all eyes lay on the current contestants, the Genie stared at the sky, specifically a few birds circling overhead. His best guess estimated them to be grackles, a very common species of dark olive-colored birds totally endemic to crowded cities. Despite the overpowering humanity of their habitats, however, the birds remained aloof and free, soaring above the smothering crowds and frenetic rush of traffic and only descending to pinch a quick bite to eat when necessary. Truly, Nero did envy them. For the sake of his only friends he allowed himself to exist in this jam-packed arena, but he loathed being around so many people. Beneath the flawless facade smoldered a steady disdain for the inconsiderate, inhospitable, insipid masses. Naturally, it took him very little time to grow sick of the current state of events. Inquiring to his companions, he found neither girl particularly fond of the fighting, and resolved with them to depart immediately. Smack in the middle of the current two-on-two brawl the trio vacated the stands, though Nero requested a quick detour to the infirmary. Like a celebrity just arriving at party thrown in his honor, he sashayed into the room that contained all of the competitors in the floating-island event. Zephyr, Pyrrha, Thor, and Malice all lay abed, with Karn and Penny nowhere to be seen. While he wanted to speak with only one in particular, Nero could not pass up an opportunity. Beaming, he cried out, [color=d8bfd8]”Hey, hey, hey! It's the leaf brigade! All fluttered down from the sky, one after another, into these lovely, cushy beds. You bunch put in such. A. Show. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids started throwing themselves off high places to honor your 'achievements'. I know I wanted to. Keep up the good work!”[/color] He chuckled, holding two thumbs up, before scooting on over to Malice's bedside. He put on a face of mock seriousness as he bent over the bed. [color=d8bfd8]”Hoi there. So what gives? You didn't use any flesh smithin' at all. What's the point of wishin' for power if ya don't even use it? Maybe it's because Pirate Lord gotcha fightin' for a cause ya don't believe in.”[/color]