[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Q6opBGC.png[/img] [h1][color=violet]Claudia Valentina[/color][/h1][/center] Jesus wept... Why was it wherever Claudia went, things went real far south real quickly? So first her 'friend' feels up a total lunatic, barely avoiding a Chicago Overcoat while doing so. Then when Claudia tries to make amends, she throws it right back in her face. Then she slips on a goddamn knife and ends up with a six inch blade jutting out her skull. What a day. [color=violet]"Kay, Sayaka, try to relax. I've seen this a thousand times before."[/color] That was a blatant lie. [color=violet]"The best thing to do is leave the knife where it is. You pull it out, you risk taking a chunk of yer brain with it. Leave it alone, you hear?"[/color] Comfort wasn't Claudia's thing, but she felt the message got through. Of course, some tall, dark-haired chick decided to reiterate what she just said, earning her a scowl from the mobster. Nice work, Echo, I think we established to leave it in back in the Prohibition, thank you very much. There were eyes on them. Claudia wouldn't mimd if she wasn't hungry, but her belly was empty and she couldn't entertain for long. [color=violet]"Come on, you loon. Let's get something to eat already, I'm starved!"[/color] [@Spriggs27]