[quote=@Penryn] How they interpret my leave is on them and even so, I always give a good reason but the majority just can't take it and they become bitter to highly potentially interested players whom also leave because of their newfound attitude. Apparently, it's a universal theme on roleplaying forums so I'm just talking in terms of my last experience on a different forum. With what happened to you, was it just that everyone flaked out on you? What happened? I doubt you did something wrong otherwise you wouldn't've gone out of your way to format many group roleplays to see which one is a hit or miss so don't blame it on yourself; commitment issues apply as much in roleplaying as they do in the real world! [/quote] Two come to mind, but in both I had established a world, collected players and characters who fitted pretty well and started up the roleplay. After a couple of post people just stopped, with one person stating that they didn't know what they wanted to do with their character. It's at that point where I would ask people to be creative. Build the world a little bit and explore their characters, but it seems like some people don't understand how to use their own creativity outside of character sheet building. Create an enemy, have a conflict with another player, hear about a secret in the world... just anything is better than nothing. If I could sum it up it's motivation. Some people just simply don't know what motivates a character, what makes them tick, what they want to achieve. The more characters I have created (been in a lot of RPs) the more I realise that it's a key factor to their growth.