[b]Name:[/b] Dimitri Collins [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.heightdb.com/sites/default/files/styles/entity_photo/public/field/image/Kevin%20Grevioux%20height.jpg?itok=5BHCk_J3[/img] - He stands at roughly 6'4" and weighs 91kg. His taste in clothing is pretty average, though he does have a preference for t-shirts, cargo pants, and boots. [b]History:[/b] Dimitri's life was a bit of a rough and tumble one: The youngest of three siblings growing up in a small house in Rockhill South Carolina, Dimitri was taught from an early age how to fight or flee to keep hold of what was his. His parents couldn't afford much with their current jobs, typically making only enough to keep a roof over everyone's heads and food in their stomachs. Luxuries such as vacations, television, and even new clothing were often ignored in favor of keeping the power and water running. As could be expected the lack of luxuries created a bit of a gap between Dimitri and most of his peers, and Dimitri suffered more than his fair share of bullying all throughout grade school and partially into his first year of high school. Things changed rather rapidly once he hit puberty and Dimitri began towering over his classmates. They changed even more when Dimitri decided to join the school's boxing club and start using what he'd learned to get a bit of payback on the people that had mocked him in the past. After several suspensions and a near expulsion for instigating fights with and occasionally mugging other students, Dimitri found himself diving on a downward spiral into the life of a criminal. He started running with small time gangs in his sophomore year, and by the time he'd graduated, skewed college in favor of continuing with what he thought was the path to easy money. He hopped from state to state for a bit, falling in and out of all sorts of gangs until he found himself recruited by the Syndicate with the promise of a lifetime of riches. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Brawler- A childhood packed with fights allows him to compensate for the fact that he only has a few years of actual lessons under his belt. A skilled fighter who can take a hit as well as he can give one, Dimitri likes to dominate his opponents with his sheer size and ferocity, pressing the attack while shrugging off anything short of a blow to a vital area or an attack with a weapon. [*]Sheer strength- He's strong and durable, more accustomed to lifting and carrying heavy loads. [*]Intimidation- A rather imposing individual, Dimitri can be made to strong arm others in order to produce favorable outcomes [*]Minor Gang connections- His runs with several minor gangs has given Dimitri a small network for street info and favors [*]Short to mid range fire arm usage- Dimitri understands how to use handguns and shotguns [*]Grand Theft- Dimitri can hot wire a car if need be. [/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*]Limited Education- Dimitri only has a high school level education. He's not stupid, but he's not exactly someone to come up with a complex plan [*]Arrogant- The fact that he rarely loses a fight or has to deal with people contesting him has given Dimitri an misplaced sense of self-importance. It doesn't really affect his ability work too badly, but it does mean that he can underestimate people on a regular basis. It can also put a strain on his relationship with those he works with unless they can find a way to deflate his ego. Beating him in a fist fight is the easiest way of doing so. Blackmail also works. [*]Gang Rivalries- The door swings both ways. For all of the friends that he's made in gangs Dimitri has made just as many enemies. Rival gang members are still more than willing to take a shot at him, as are those from previously friendly gangs that believe that he's betrayed them [*]Terrible driver- Ironically Dimitri has almost no experience with driving due to a lack of driving lessons [*]Acrophobia- Dimitri has a crippling fear of heights. He shuts down if forced into high places where he can see the ground below him. [/list] [b]Vices:[/b] Dimitri is an alcoholic. [b]Occupation:[/b] Manual labor jobs mostly, drug and weapon running back when he was still with other gangs. [b]Theme Song:[/b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0JAk0gGkxE]Travi$ Scott - The Prayer[/url]