[color=springgreen][i]"Ughhhhhhh...."[/i][/color] Who was shouting? Why was the world spinning? ...and why in [b]twelve hells[/b] was it so bright? Holding one hand up to his temple, the small, white-haired Lalafell squinted as he tried to raise his head up. The pounding in his head felt like that time he'd done [b]dragon dives[/b] -- pints of ale with shots of rum dropped into 'em. Was that what they'd done done then? Was that why his head felt like it had been cleaved in twain, then smashed repeatedly by a brick whilst being shouted at by whatever it was that was filling his vision? What was all that... jumping? floating? ...that [i]stuff[/i], whatever, was all about, then? Grimacing against the daylight stabbing daggers into the backs of his eyes, the small rogue braced one hand against the ground beneath him, so to perhaps stave off the sensation of the world spinning, and then adjusted the hand that was on his head to provide for some relief from the sun. [color=springgreen]"Bloody 'ell, what you on 'bout?"[/color] the Lalafell asked, in the accented speech frequently heard among Limsa Lominsa's docks. Blinking, pale green eyes looked out upon a curious creature the likes of which he'd not seen before. [color=springgreen]"Thal's bollocks, what [i]are[/i] you?"[/color] the rogue blurted out next, startled to find himself looking at what looked like a cross between a phurble and a spriggan, with the wings of an imp and the ears... As he looked past the ears, the little rogue's eyes feel next to the horizon beyond them. Forgetting the phurble for a moment, the Lalafell was dumbstruck by the absence of the sea. Well, the sea... the sea should be there. If he'd been doing dragon dives, then they were... at that, that place. The alehouse. The one that was... Well, it was... And he'd been drinking with the mates. You know, the mates! They were... And there was... Was he still drunk? Why couldn't he remember? Small hands patted around his slight frame, noting the presence of his short blades and the particular absence of a flaggon or flask. As he turned his head, the Lalafell was presented by land that stretched in verdant, fertile fields in all direction. With no ocean in sight. [color=springgreen]"Belay that... where am I?"[/color] And why wasn't there more rum?