Appreciating some credit to his person at the solving of the first puzzle, the pride in him was very short lived as the puns started up again. They were never bad, just too many and too unnecessary. But, the note pun, the taller of the skeletions graciously let it go, as their human friend pointed out how bad it was. Sometimes, it was nice to have others point it out for them all to see. Quickly, he shot Skylar a quick thumb up, before turning his attention back to Celes. [color=coral]“WHY FLOWEY IS A PRISONER? WHY CAN FLOWEY TALK?”[/color] Glancing down at the flower again, and rubbing the side of his skull as the monster seemed to water him nicely, [color=coral]“OH! THANK YOU FOR WATERING MY FRIEND; I AM SURE HE IS VERY HAPPY THAT YOU HAVE DONE THIS FOR HIM! LIKE A REFRESHING SHOWER...IS MAYBE A REFRESHING DRINK? NO MATTER, REFRESHING ALL THE SAME, SURELY! AS FOR WHAT FLOWEY DID…I DO NOT REMEMBER! BUT, I DO HEAR THAT HIS FRIENDLINESS PELLETS ARE SO FRIENDLY, THEY HURT! AND, IF HE HAD NOT BEEN BROUGHT UP IN THIS FLOWERPOT, HE WOULD HAVE STAYED IN THE UNDERGROUND SKULKING FOR THE REST OF HIS EXISTENCE…AND THINK ABOUT IT! SUCH LOAFING ABOUT IN THE SAME PLACE, SURELY THAT WOULD PUT HIS LAZINESS ON PAR WITH MY OWN BROTHER, AND SUCH A LEVEL OF LAZINESS, IT JUST CANNOT BE!”[/color] Following along to see the spike bridge, which was likely an easy puzzle for the Great Papyrus…his eyes bulged out of their sockets at his brother’s latest pun. His brother could direct jokes and puns at him and his own self, but on Flowey, [i]his[/i] prisoner! Opening his mouth for a moment, and then stopping to think, finally he pointedly exclaimed to his brother, [color=coral]“…SANS, I AM ABSOLUTELY [b]STUMP[/b]ED AS TO HOW [b]YEW[/b] ARE ABLE TO COME UP WITH SUCH [b]ACORN[/b]Y SERIES OF JOKES…PART OF ME [b]WOOD[/b] ASK YOU, BUT I WOULD BE MORE RE[b]LEAF[/b]ED TO JUST [b]LEAF[/b] YOU ALONE ON THIS! NYEH. HEH. HEEEEEEEEEH~!”[/color] Aggressively laughing at what he thought was a rather smooth counter to his brother, Papyrus charged forth with arm out stretched…and by charged forth, more like went over to ogle the water before his brother could come up with a comeback.