[center]Her first thought was to let out a laugh, though she wasn't quite sure any sound would come out; in fact, she wasn't quite sure what she was hearing was real. How could it be if the strange, unseen, unknown...entity mentioned something about friends? But the message, while heard, wasn't fully understood, it felt as if she was swirling, floating adrift in a lake of pure doubt. Who was speaking? What were they saying? But most importantly of all...where was she? Jihl opened her eyes, slowly, and everything looked blurry and unfocused before slowly coming clear. Green. Everything she saw was green but nothing she saw was familiar. Grass was brushing against her face which was far more annoying than it was pleasing and was already a strike against...wherever the hell she was. Her right hand went to her face to slide her glasses up the bridge of her nose; the good news was that her glasses weren't broken - the bad news was that as she rose to a seated position there was a stinging pain down her back. She turned her head, dirty blonde hair peppered with flecks of grass swaying to the left as she did so, and found the reason for the secondary pain. Her head could be explained away with the confusion and change of setting - gods was it ever bright - but her back had a far more blatant...or blunt explanation. A gloved left hand curled its fingers around a metal baton. Jihl pieced together that she had landed on it or else it had fallen off her person...somehow it had made her prone position all the more awkward as she lay there. Her eyes observed the rod-like weapon closely, and her own name was staring back at her, engraved along the shaft. [color=lightsteelblue]"Interesting..."[/color] Jihl muttered, taking the baton with her as she rose to her slightly off balanced feet. The first task was easy enough: get her bearings and find out where exactly she was. There had to be some sort of marker or, failing that, some higher ground to scan the horizons. Jihl didn't belong here, it was unknown to her and the unknown was unwelcome. [color=bisque]"Hoorayyyy, kupoooooo!"[/color] Before Jihl could determine what that utterly piercing, high pitched...noise was, a fluffy and plump [i]thing[/i] collided with the right side of her face. Jihl nearly fell onto her side, but managed to steel herself and stay righted, albeit knocked back a few steps. Scowling, her steely eyes narrowed at the creature that attacked her. It had recovered already and its little purple wings were flapping happily. So puffy, do chubby, and so absolutely annoying. [color=bisque]"You're finally awake, kupo! I was worried because you looked like you were in so much pain."[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"Interesting...you appear to be a living thing but I hesitate to call you intelligent life. What are you?"[/color] If this white fluffball was the inhabitant of this green world then Jihl was entering the realm of worried. [color=bisque]"I'm Mogrika, kupo!"[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"Mogrika? That's no species I've ever heard of. Curious..."[/color] [color=bisque]"Kupo? Mogrika is Mogrika, kupo!"[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]"I was correct. You're not intelligent at all. Out of my way,"[/color] Jihl pushed past Mogrika, shoving the moogle down to the grass as she walked past it. [color=lightsteelblue]"So many questions...time to find some answers."[/color] Jihl continued her destinationless walk, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of...well...anything. [color=bisque]"Wai...Wai...Wait for me, kupooooo!"[/color] Mogrika, seemingly unphased by the forceful shove, took to flight once more, fluttering after Jihl's retreating back.[/center]