[h1]Argus Leandros[/h1] "Huh," Argus eloquently responded, so lost was he in his head that he didn't quite here Sayatachi at first. After playing the question back in his head, however, he quickly responded to the inquiry with a more subtly flippant attitude. "Oh, it's nothing really. Just still a bit anxious about being in a guild, since it'll be my first time being in one. Been a bit of a lone wolf up until this point, so I'm getting the jitters is all. No need to let me bother you with such small things" Argus continued to follow the woman south, hoping that she wouldn't pry too much further into his issues. As they walked, however, he couldn't help but feel voices in his head, whispering about how they didn't want him, how they were only keeping around to dispose of him later. [color=Red][i]You're nothing to them. They didn't even give you a guild mark, and yet the other woman got one her first day there. They could've given it to you that night as well, but no, they instead went right into labeling you as a thing to be feared. And you didn't say anything about it, just standing there like a good soldier while they looked at you like a monster. A Demon.[/i][/color] [i]Shut up. . .[/i] Even in his own mind, his voice was weak and frail. He cursed his own pitifulness, and his self-hatred only grew as he felt the satisfaction of his darkness grow with every word he spoke, obviously enjoying the havoc it was wreaking in his head. [color=Red][i]Hmmm, you'd like that wouldn't you. You're stuck with me, fool, all the way to hell. But for now, I'll give you just the slightest bit of peace. After all, your suffering is always the most concentrated after you've had time to recover. Just remember what you've become, Argus . . . because they won't.[/i][/color] The presence of his magic left his mind, but the seeds of distrust that it had sewn within the former slave's heart did not. While this clash of wills had gone inside his head, Argus had grown rather silent and somber, the negativity that Sayatachi had been feeling only rising for a bit before seeming to vanish completely. However, Argus' mood didn't seem to improve much, as he just let out a sigh. "We almost there, cause I just . . . I need to sit down." [@Lmpkio]