[@Lugubrious][@Joshua Tamashii] [h2][color=0072bc]Malice Hardt[/color] & [color=8882be]Zephyr Hardt[/color][/h2] The infirmary was a really boring place, simply watching the fight on a monitor wasn't half as exciting. yet this man then barged into the place who cheered for what they did which made Zephyr grin and give a thumbs up with his arm that wasn't sore, while Malice waved at Nero. Which said man would then visit said damsel. Wondering why she didn't use any of her new magic. This brought Zephyr to a sitting position as he looked at his sister and the man. [color=8882be]"Say what? Sis you have another magic? That makes three! Man you are lucky as hell! This is why you are my role model big sis!"[/color] Zephyr would exclaim as he was just radiating a big smile for his sisters accomplishment. She really seemed lucky to be getting said new magics like it was a pawn for her. Malice would sigh at her brothers overly exuberant happiness. He really was too happy for his own good, even after losing. [color=0072bc]"To answer your question Nero.... I was going to, yet I didn't expect my brother to just out of nowhere blast me. I'm as upset as you are, I wanted to showcase my new power. Get the eyes of the council and further my standing for a future Wizard Saint. I really didn't want to end up here twice. If their is a bright side, its that my baby brother has a crush on pyro over there."[/color] Malice would laugh afterwards, grinning again. Zephyr would frown at what his sister said and fold his arms with a little yelp. [color=8882be]"At least I didn't lose in ten seconds..."[/color] Zephyr said which made Malice glare at him before looking at Nero. [color=0072bc]"As for my guild.... You might be right, they were fun at first but now I don't know. I'm being a bigger laughing stock than Tough Love is. I'll most likely leave them after the games are over. Why do you ask? Going to offer me a guild membership this time around?"[/color] Malice asked the genie who always seemed to be too friendly too much. Those types always plotted something behind the scene, she had experience with those types of people. Zephyr would sit in silence before looking at Pyrrha. [color=8882be]"That reminds me! After the games, I want a rematch. This time no god take over and no dumb boundaries! That way I can use more of my Machina's effects without getting disqualified. What do you say Pyyyyyyyrrrrha!"[/color] Zephyr said purposely drawing her name out for effect.